View Full Version : new member

22-02-06, 00:38
hello,i have joined after reading the Mail today,what a relief to know there are others like me out there!

22-02-06, 00:43
Welcome Mary,

You are definitely not alone! Hope you find the site useful as I have.

Take Care,

22-02-06, 00:52
thank you Tina,i didn't say much as i wasn't sure what i was doing.I have been having panics for years,it's hard to explain to people who dont understand isn't it?Well thanx again i'm sure i'll get the hang of this site soon,,i'm new to computers! mary.

22-02-06, 00:57
Hold onto whatever faith you have, Mary. (religious or otherwise)

Your answers will come.

22-02-06, 02:08
thank you.I do have adeep sense of the spiritual and we all hve our gaurdian angel to call when we need to.Some days the answers do come and it is wonderful.Mary.

22-02-06, 08:23
Welcome mary, i'm sure you'll get the hang of the site soon and find some interesting things on here that may help you.

22-02-06, 08:32
hello there mary rose

you will get all you need here, hope you feel better just to no we are here

22-02-06, 08:33
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

22-02-06, 09:44
Hi Mary,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

22-02-06, 11:03
Hi Mary Rose

I joined today as well after seeing details in the mail.

Take Care


22-02-06, 11:32
hi maryrose and welcome :D
you will find lots of information here and lots of friendly people...
you will soon get the hang of it... have a good look around and please ask anything you like

22-02-06, 15:39
Hi Maryrose and welcome to the site.

22-02-06, 16:49
Hi Mary Rose and welcome to the site xx

Im sure you will get used to using the site soon, everyone is very helpful on here.


22-02-06, 17:02
Welcome Aboard Mary

I do believe that the spiritual side does help us get through this.

But this site also gives us a collective strength.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

22-02-06, 17:30
hi mary rose
welcome to this site
take care denisexx


22-02-06, 19:51
Hi Mary

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


22-02-06, 20:30
Hi Mary

Welcome to the forum.

You might like to start by reading the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) information.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

22-02-06, 23:12
wow! i have just found all your beautiful replies,thank you sooo much[i didn't know how to find them till now,thought there weren't any!]i feel elated honestly,truely touched in my heart[not my head for once!!] i have been looking around the ite and am truly amazed that we all have the same symptoms,and that we have been diagnosed with the same kind of things like vertigo and sent for gastroscopy's,they are the pits aren't they? i my self have been on valium [only as needed] for 18 years.i am not addicted but i am dependant on knowing i have them in my bag on the rare occassions i go out.like all of you,no more buses,trains,clubs,walking to the shop,the ruddy thought of a treat at a salon,AGH!!!need i say more,well we are all wonderful people with a deep ability to empathise with others,in fact i think we are all marvellous.love to you all.Mary-Rose,xxxx