View Full Version : 7 weeks on Citalopram, feel its getting worse

29-07-10, 15:28
Hi folks, I have an appt to see my GP, but need some reassurance to get me through the next week.

Ive been taking Cit for 7 weeks now, 20mg for general anxiety which has been making me depressed.

2 weeks ago I had an episode after a particularly stressful conversation that made me think I was losing my mind. I couldnt stop crying, had no energy and was so agitated I would happily have put my head in a vice.

I have a therapist and meditate and I had come back down to earth. Now I can feel it building again. I have a constant headache, my mind wont settle and I just want to hit it off a wall, Im very unhappy and exhausted.

If anything I feel like Im getting worse - any advice?

29-07-10, 15:51
Hi mhari.

I can't advise you what to do - we are all different. But for me, after 6 weeks on Citalopram I couldn't take it any more and started weaning myself off slowly.

I worked up gradually to a dose of 30mg, by which time the medication was intolerable for me, they stopped me functioning. I had my first ever sick days with anxiety, laid up for 3 days without the ability to move or function in any way. Also felt that depression was being added to my problems of anxiety. I don't normally think I have depression.

I have weaned down to 10mg (first 10mg day today) over a couple of weeks and things are different. I feel the old tension coming back, the anxiety coming back, the jitteryness, but at least I can feel "me"... I can sleep again (didn't sleep much on the meds), and i can think straight.

It's a rock and a hard place, I find it hard to ascertain where I feel most ill, on or off the meds. But the main advantage of not being on the meds is that all the illness is "mine" if that makes sense.

be well,

29-07-10, 17:33
hi i have had panic attacks on and off but recently i have had them continuously - anxiety dissorder i presume, the doc has given me 40mg of Cit which didnt really stop it, so also gave me diazpam which has stopped all the symptoms and much of the panic although it gives me a bad head, getting out and about is helping.

29-07-10, 19:08
thanks guys. Im also STILL sweating like there is no tomorrow. it literally runs off me if I walk more than 10 yards, and Im very self concious of it.

30-07-10, 00:20
Hi folks, I have an appt to see my GP, but need some reassurance to get me through the next week.

Ive been taking Cit for 7 weeks now, 20mg for general anxiety which has been making me depressed.

2 weeks ago I had an episode after a particularly stressful conversation that made me think I was losing my mind. I couldnt stop crying, had no energy and was so agitated I would happily have put my head in a vice.

I have a therapist and meditate and I had come back down to earth. Now I can feel it building again. I have a constant headache, my mind wont settle and I just want to hit it off a wall, Im very unhappy and exhausted.

If anything I feel like Im getting worse - any advice?

Hi did you start on 20mg or have you recently upped your dose ? If its the former ,i would definately see your Dr as maybe it doesnt agree with you .Most of the side effects should be gone by now ..If the latter ,after every increase it can take anything up to 8 weeks to settle and the side effects to go away . take care Sue x

04-08-10, 00:21
My god, I think they might have kicked in! For 2 days now Ive felt like... myself!

And that is the best feeling in the world.

Hang in there folks x

14-08-10, 16:15
An update:

Ok so I feel Im flying! I cant describe how well Ive felt weeks 8-9. Its like being me again.

I found it in myself to go to a job interview - and got the job. That's been such a brilliant boost, but I couldnt have imagined doing it 2 months ago, and the pills and a great therapist got me there, i believe that.

Feel I have so much to look forward to. Please dont think Im boasting, Im hoping to give people hope and support. I dont doubt I will have down days - thats what life is about itsnt it?

14-08-10, 20:44
An update:

Ok so I feel Im flying! I cant describe how well Ive felt weeks 8-9. Its like being me again.

I found it in myself to go to a job interview - and got the job. That's been such a brilliant boost, but I couldnt have imagined doing it 2 months ago, and the pills and a great therapist got me there, i believe that.

Feel I have so much to look forward to. Please dont think Im boasting, Im hoping to give people hope and support. I dont doubt I will have down days - thats what life is about itsnt it?
