View Full Version : crohns disease......

29-07-10, 15:51
i have crohns disease and four years ago had major complications.
i have over the last two months got myself into a complete state and i thought that this afternoon my worries would subside a little but they havent.
i know if i contine to worry i will bring everything back and that is completely freaking me out.
as i have said before my daughter went through so much! i am visiting the doctor tomorrow so hopefully he will be able to talk me through my fears....i wake up every morning thinking that i am going to be rushed into hospital and my daughter will not have anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!


29-07-10, 20:17
hi my son had colitis he had to have his bowl removed so i kinda know how u feel and how bad this disease is try not to worry to much im sure u will be OK

Kerry B
29-07-10, 21:41
Hi I have Crohns I have had it for 28 years and have to take medication every day to keep it under control. When I get all anxious and have panic attacks I do always end up going to the toilet. Try not to worry I know its easier said then done.

29-07-10, 22:02
I have Crohn's too and had a really bad flare up in Sept 2008 resulting in a drain in my abdomen for 7 months and a total of 9.5 months off work.

If I get stressed now it makes the Crohn's much worse so have to try and limit stress and upset - easier said than done I know.

What medication are you on for it?

29-07-10, 22:51
Thank you so much for your replies....i wasnt sure if i would get any but to find you guys is truly amazing. to read your messages makes me realise that we all go through so much with this conditon....melvin your son i do hope he is well now....a very huge operation and nicola....it was a long journey for you....but you made it....and kerry you and me both xxxxx
we all now how panic/anxiety affect our condition - and the more we worry about being in a panic and feeling anxiety well.....we go around in circles.
nicola i am on asacol.....6 a day.....i dont mind taking them i have for about 20 years now. i had a perianal fistula and was off work for 5 months four years ago.....and am scared that because of this latest attack it will bring it all back.
as we know crohns is a very......well, a condition that can be so so hard to talk about....love to you all and hope that our panic/anxiety will keep us out of the toilet....sometimes i feel like a prisoner!
thank you once again for your messages xxxx i do so appreciate them xxxxx

29-07-10, 23:01
I am on Mercaptopurine Calm - a drug used to treat leukemia but seems to work well with Crohn's too.

I spend a lot of time on the loo and I am used to going 3 or 4 times a day and when I am stressed it can be up to 10 times!

I had a fistula too and it healed in time but at one point leaked into my bladder so I was weeing all the time as well lol.

It is not a nice illness is it and one that, as yet, cannot be cured, and usually results in a bowel operation of one sort or another.

Nice to chat to a fellow sufferer anyway. Happy to discuss anything with you about it.

Can I ask which hospital is treating you ?

29-07-10, 23:09
of course you can ask nicola....i have always been at south wing hosp, bedford.
oh my nicola so you have had a fistula too....you know wot i never thought i would ever ever meet another and to have found you on here....wow! it has blown me away.
if its ok yes i will and visa versa.....and thats too anyone who has crohns or colitis or any other bowl probs.....finding other people with the same condition, although we know it varies in all....is such a blessing.
thank you nicola xxxx take care xxxxx

29-07-10, 23:26
I saw Dr Harvey at south wing then I transferred back to my original Crohn's consultant at Addenbrookes. I was only put in Bedford cos I had a heart attack during the crohn's flareup. Who do you see there?

Funnily enough I have just come back from there. Went in at 3pm today with chest pains and they finally let me out. I am ok - it is just muscle pain and not heart related but still very worrying.

I had my colonoscopy at Bedford though they could not do it completely cos I had abcesses all along my bowel so it was too obstructed to do it.

I saw a Dr Moxham - I think he is called and a Dr Callum if you know any of them?

Small world isn't it lol

29-07-10, 23:37
hi nicola....i am under mr saunders.....and mr eldin operated on me with regard perianal fistula.
oh nicola...and you had a heart-attack as well - that must of been oh so hard!
its a small world nicola....and you know wot isnt it great that it is.
i'm so pleased that your visit was ok today....that must be a weight off your mind.
now....i am going to try and get some sleep....didnt do too well last night.
thank you nicola and hope to see you sometimes soon xxxx please do keep in touch xxxxxx

29-07-10, 23:40
Ahh now I know both of them. Dr Saunders used to see me on the ward. I spent 2 months on the Elizabeth ward with the crohn's flare up. I saw Dr Eldin about an op and he wanted to give me a colostomy bag which is when I went for a 2nd opinion about it and avoided one!

Yes I had a heart attack at the same time as the crohn's flare up and had a stent put in.

We will certainly catch up again soon and maybe have that meetup and we can compare notes lol.

Sleep well and try not to worry ok?

Kerry B
30-07-10, 13:21
Hi Calm, I am on Asocol too take 4 a day and also have Fistula's I surpose I have been quite lucky with mine (touch wood) as the Asocol does keep it under control. Nicola has certainly had a bad time of it and my heart goes out to her. But worry/stress certainly doesnt help it. Take Care both xx

30-07-10, 18:53
nicola....most definately xxxx thank you for your kind words xxxxx
we will all most definately meet up xxxx sue is going to make contact and arrange xxxx how good will that be - you all are such fabulous support xxxx
nicola....have a good weekend xxxx thank you for your messages xxxx

30-07-10, 18:55
kerry.....can i tell you something.....i thought that i was the only one that has been unlucky enough to have a perianal fistula.....and you know wot.....i have found you guys - we can understand how traumatic they are and understand what we all have gone through.
you are so so right....stress, panic and anxiety sure does not help....lets hope we can all control our demons.
have a good weekend and please please do keep in touch xxxx

02-08-10, 21:25
hi nicola....for some reason i missed the msg above :blush:
i hope you are ok nicola.....i am sleeping much better thank you my friend.
and yes we will definately meet up soon....and that must be a promise xxxx

02-08-10, 21:35
Glad you are ok. I am off work this week - taking a rest after being in hospital again last week with chest pain.

My crohn's is ok at the moment - well I get used to going to the loo a lot but no pains which is good.

Hope yours is under control too