View Full Version : Have given up the will to live!

29-07-10, 16:38
I dunno what else to say really! I'm not looking for sympathy or even advice. I just needed to tell someone that I've lost all hope and have given up!

My journey in this world has been an painful one to say the least and as each decade passes, it gets worse.

There is just no hope.

Thanks for letting me use this forum to get it off of my chest.

Oh, please don't think I'm talking about 'doing myself in', I'm not, I'm just saying that I've run out of ideas and hope!


margaret jones
29-07-10, 17:04
Hi Elspeth

29-07-10, 17:04
Im trying to think of words to say, that i know would make me feel better and more positive if i was in your situation at the moment. i have been in your situation in the past and felt like nothing could make me happy.
Now i look onto others that are not so well off as us. i'll give you an example. 5 years ago my brother had a accident and was left paralised from the chest down. he has not given up hope he lives life to the full.
so what im trying to say and not doing a very good job is there is always someone worse off and trying to make the best of what they have.
Try and be strong, things can and do get better.
sending big hugs. xx

29-07-10, 17:08
P.s the cat in your photo looks like mine!

margaret jones
29-07-10, 17:08
Hi Elspeth
Sorry you are feeling so down .sometimes things are so difficult to bear that we feel that we cannot take anymore , but then along comes something that makes us smile or even laugh and life does not feel so bad .

I hope yu start to feel a little better in a short while .

Take Care Maggie

Would you like a HUG ?? Ok :hugs: How was that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Granny Primark
29-07-10, 18:57

Granny Primark
29-07-10, 19:01
sorry my grandaughter pressed the enter key.
Dont ever give up hope.
Nic started this site so we can give support to each other and start to feel better.
You have given so much support to others now let us give you the love and support that you given to others.
Big hugs

29-07-10, 19:16
Dear Elspeth a lot of people on this site care greatly about you and your health and welfare. I am sad like the others that you are feeling so low. I would like to support you in any way I can on this site. I know that we can't actually 'know' each other but I want to reach out to you to say that you are loved and cared for in a special way. Please don't lose hope but please keep posting if you are feeling this low. EJ.

30-07-10, 01:14
NOOOOooooo !
We can never never give up hope ! You are a special person and we all need and have each other to get us through these times. You've got your NMP family to help you through this -lots of hugs from Canada


Going home
30-07-10, 01:26
Sending much love to you Elspeth...don't give up hope. We are all here with you. Yes life is shit sometimes and has been for most of us here over the years too, but we are all in this together and no matter what we suffer from we are all on the same side. We will get you through this blip, just like you help us to get through ours. You are a great person and you matter very much.

Anna xxx :hugs:

30-07-10, 20:02
Thanks for replies and support everyone.


31-07-10, 16:06
Hi Elspeth,

I hope you are feeling a little more positive now, lots of people here care about you and things do look up:) eventually:wacko:


31-07-10, 16:33
Hi Sweetie,
I've just read your post, and I too wanted to let you know that you're not alone...
Feel free to PM me at anytime. :hugs:

Sue x