View Full Version : 13 years of it

22-02-06, 09:17
Hi All
I started getting panic attacks when i was 19 and now im 32 things are no better,in fact in alot of ways its getting worse.
i have gradually started to avoid more and more and now i dont even travel with anyone in my car and also have to make myself travel even short distances on my own.i drink far to much and am now quite reliant on alcohol to get me through the day, normally having my first of 8 -10 pint at about 2pm.I know this is probably half the problem as when i dont drink so much i feel less panicky.I would not wish this state of mind on anyone.I cant remember what its like to be me.
All the best

22-02-06, 09:40
Hi Andy,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

22-02-06, 10:36
hi andy

You will get loads of great advice here and a warm welcome.

I totally agree with the alcohol thing but in the long run it can make the situation worse. Have you tried Rescue Remedy?. Great stuff it goes everywhere I go!.

Hope to spk to you soon

K :)

22-02-06, 10:36
hey andy

many of us no what it is like to have forgotten the real you. it is in there somewhere and i hope we can help you find it


22-02-06, 10:41
Hi Andy welcome to the site. You seem to be going down the same road I went down using drink to cope with even going out on short distances and I also used drink whenever I felt stressed or anxious as drink seemed to be the only thing that calmed me down. I started feeling scared whenever I went out at about the age of 16 and found drinking killed these horrible feelings so it snowballed from there. At 16 I had to have my 5 pints every night in the outdoor of my local, just drinking in the passageway alone, also at that age I had 4 pints every dinner time in the works dinner break, the pub was just next door from my works. I could only go to places like days out at parks with groups of friends and out at night on the town with a good drink before I left home, at this time I didn’t really think there was anything wrong with me as doctors where no help at all in those days and the only answer to get anywhere was to drink, even interviews for a job I needed a good drink then wondered why I didn’t get the job. I understand why now. Any way over the years the drinking got more and more out of control and ended up drinking heavy and daily for about 40 years. then started to get health and liver problems and really just added to my anxiety with my ill health, before I stopped drinking I found I was getting quite drunk on low amounts of alcohol, the doctors said this was because my liver could no longer filter the chemicals so the alcohol was going straight to the blood stream then to the brain. Anyway I decided to try and quite drink fully as I tried cutting down and it just don’t work after you drink your limit after the drink you think sod it and carry on drink as you know you feel better after the drink. anyway I decided I had to stop so got 3 cans a day for a week and drank these just before bed, the second week I drank 1 can a night then stopped, So after 40 years of heavy and daily drinking I stopped. The first 4 to 6 weeks seemed to be fine and I had a cup of horlicks to take to bed every night (I suppose psychologically this replaced the alcohol) after 6 weeks of stopping I started getting a hard time with anxiety it hit the roof, but what a big chemical change must have been going on in my body? I got some Vallium from the doctor; I know these are addictive and didn’t intend taking them often only to get through the hardest times, so I didn’t take many nor for a long period of time maybe the odd couple for about a month. Anyway I have been stopped drinking now for two and a half years, I still have anxiety but can handle it and it’s nowhere near as bad as it was when I used to drink. It took me 40 years of abuse to my body, my lft was 109 when I stopped drink but after about 9 months it was down to 34. I only now realise had I tried to fight the anxiety without taking the easy way out years ago how better off I would have been, its to easy to start to get anxious and panic then a few drinks kills it? But the drink wears off and it’s back and often bigger so you need more drink to kill this one? I do get the anxiety still now from time to time but nothing like I used to when I was a drinker, you do learn to get rid of it without the drink. Anyway I feel now since I stopped drink I have control and I have my life back. you are still young at 34 and can get your life back and I promise it might be a hard ride for a while but when you decide you are not going to drink to hide your anxiety it will get better every day, then in a while you wont even want to drink. The other lift I have now is the amount of stuff, TV’s pc stuff, and cameras so much I have got and know if I start drink again will never be able to afford these things. Drink took all my spare money at that time but like all drinkers I thought so what what ells do I need from life except a drink? And it looks to me you are well on your way to being like I was. Hope this has been of some help and believe me in time you feel 100% better without drink, but not an easy ride to start with, Take care hope you feel better soon. Vernon

22-02-06, 10:45
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

22-02-06, 10:59
hi andy...
i just wanted to say hi and welcome...
people here will understand and will help all they can...
i think we have all lost "me" at times but you will get it back... just hang on in there
take care
(ps have pm`d you too)

22-02-06, 11:29
Hi Andy


As others have said you will get some really good advice on here.

Take Care


22-02-06, 11:39
Hi Andy, welcome to the site, I can relate to alcohol dependancy, I used to do it a lot, but at that time I didn't realise I was doing it to cover up my anxiety, i just felt better when i drank. Gave it up for 2 years, dealt with my anxiety and lots of other issues in my life, this site, medication all helped me on my way to recovery. Hopefully you'll find your way! Tara

22-02-06, 12:03
Hi Andy, I only joined yesterday myself, but am already amazed at how other people's symptoms and coping tactics mirror my own. If I drink I completely forget that I can't cross roads (my main panic problem)! However, it's not possible (certainly a good thing) for me to drink all the time, just to carry out day-to-day tasks such as buying a newspaper. I'm sure had I the opportunity a few years back, I'd be a very heavy drinker now.
Good luck with finding a better way to deal with your panic.

22-02-06, 12:57
Hi Andy,

A big welcome to the site :D

Verny had lots of good points there.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Ma Larkin
22-02-06, 13:14
Hi Andy, i'm 39 & although I don't drink a lot through the week, I do exactly the same as you at weekends. Start any time between 1-3pm & can down more pints than a bloke, believe me! If I start panicking, I think I need a drink to calm me down, it does work, but we all know that alcohol isn't good for us panic & anxiety sufferers because it is a depressant. I've tried Kaliber but it gives me a right headache lol!! To be honest I can't say I feel any different when I drink & when I don't. I have the shakes most of the time with anxiety. I've started trying to go out for shorter periods to help me cut down on my weekend drinking, but the anxiety is still as bad. I don;t know what the solutions are Andy, but there are lots of people on this site who will have advice for you.


22-02-06, 15:42
Hi Andy and welcome to the site.

22-02-06, 17:51
Hi Andy and welcome to the site.

What help have you had in trying cut down the alcohol?

See it as step one as your recovery.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

22-02-06, 19:36
Hi Andy

Welcome aboard.

I used to drink way too much as well but I have cut down substantially since then.

For all of you intererested here are some posts about alcohol and panic/anxiety....

alcohol and panic-do they mix? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2409)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4783)
Anxiety and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5142)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5347)
hangovers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5825)
Panic attacks and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6371)
horrible cycle (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6359)
Anxaiety after drinking alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6960)


02-12-08, 15:59
Hi All
I started getting panic attacks when i was 19 and now im 32 things are no better,in fact in alot of ways its getting worse.
i have gradually started to avoid more and more and now i dont even travel with anyone in my car and also have to make myself travel even short distances on my own.i drink far to much and am now quite reliant on alcohol to get me through the day, normally having my first of 8 -10 pint at about 2pm.I know this is probably half the problem as when i dont drink so much i feel less panicky.I would not wish this state of mind on anyone.I cant remember what its like to be me.
All the best

hi andy , im simon im 39 now and have suffered with panic attacks/depression for years now without ever really talking about it , and for blokes i think this can be a massive problem . i hope this helps you , if you ever need a chat there is always someone to help . simon

02-12-08, 19:31
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx