View Full Version : Do you ever feel like....

29-07-10, 21:32
Your falling apart and it's all to much to fight!? I feel like that today! Health anxiety is on overdrive today after having shooting pains in head, panick attacks, palpitations, dizziness and pain under left breast! I just want to escape myself and all this anxiety! :(
how do you all find strength to keep fighting these thoughts and feelings?
CJ x

29-07-10, 22:17
CJ, I am with you! My HA has been in overdrive for a few weeks now. I just can't seem to shake it. I wish I could give you a magic cure, but sadly I don't have one.

I have had food poisoning, kidney infection and now a throat infection in the past four weeks. I am convinced I have the big C, even though I have had blood tests etc.

I have been having CBT sessions too but nothing works.

Its hideous isn't it?

Take care and remember we are hear to listen, even if we can't help! :-)


29-07-10, 22:37
Hey SH2727, I've just replied to your post about your poorly throat!
Yes it is hideous! :( I'm also having CBT and trying so hard to put everything into practice but it's so hard! Sometimes I just can't think logically, like today!
I'm so thankful for this amazing site and forum and the wonderful people on here who take the time to care and help eachother!
Thanks for replying! :) it's a long and difficult road but never lonely with this forum!

29-07-10, 23:45
I really feel for you. I strated suffering health anxiety 6 years ago and my life has never been the same since. It all started from a panic attack out of the blue, only, i didn't know it was a panic attack and nor did anyone else so i drove myself insane thinking i was ill. Ofcourse, all those feelings i was feeling.....dizzyness, palps, tingles, trembles, pains, absolutely alsorts was just anxiety, i know that now but it took a while and i still struggle now.your not ill. I found CBT helped but its so hard to convince yourself that your not ill. I use to check myself looking for signs i was ill. Even cleaning my teeth and my gums bleeding would scare me as i use to think i was coughing blood up. I learnt to refrain from checking as this was making me worse, i don't know how i learnt, just by telling myself to stop as soon as i would go to do it i guess. My one problem now is that i check my pulse constantly. I don't even know why. I do suffer with ectopic beats and its since i was having these that i do this. I need to stop though as it makes me worry as i start to notice things which then become exagerated in my mind......
I hadn't had a panic attack for 3 years, then 3 months ago i started having them in the middle of the night, it's hell....now i'm scared of going to bed :weep:. It seems like as soon as i get over one hurdle that another one pops up.
Your not alone though, and for me its reassuring to know that.

Take care, clare

Sorry for rambling :)