View Full Version : Starting to worry

30-07-10, 02:04
I have had this pain in my left shoulder blade now for the past 6 months (or longer). I do have left neck and shoulder issues.

I am at the point now where I am just worried that this pain could be something more sinister? It isn't sharp and jabbing, more achy and tight etc

I have had physio and osteo on it, I stopped that a little while ago as I felt a bit better. But the pain is still there now.

I have read that shoulder blade pain on the left side could be a symptom of other things wrong, I just don't know if this pain really is just related to my shoulder blade anymore or if it is something else.

Can anyone relate?

30-07-10, 03:34
Hey there,

My mum damaged her shoulder and pulled a bunch of muscles and ligaments and she got sent off to physio for it. They gave her a prediction that it can take a minimum of 3 years for her arm to heal completely. She was given a sheet of exercises for her arm to do on a regular basis, everyday, to aid the recovery for her arm...I'm wondering if maybe the exercises that you did in physio may be the key in helping your arm feel better? You did mention that going helped you feel better. The thing is, things which concern physio usually take time to heal and recover - so maybe go back and get some more treatment.

I highly doubt there is something more sinister as you do mention that you have left neck and shoulder issues and that physio and osteo helped. If it was sinister, you would have found out already - the hard way. Plus, I'm sure you would be experiencing severe pain rather than achey and tight pains. But, if you are still really worried about this, to the point where you really can't reassure yourself or stop thinking about it, then what about considering a wee trip to the doc? Have a little chat about your worries and concerns, if there your doc is concerned he'd investigate. He would have also investigated things further if he felt any suspicions about your shoulder.

Please take care and try not to focus too much on this,

Chrissy xxxxx

30-07-10, 05:29
Thanks for your reply! I love reading posts like your one, brings me right back down to reality haha.
I 100% agree with everything you said it is just nice to hear it from someone else rather than trying to tell yourself.
I actually have a doc app this arvo to chat about my stupid hives that I have been getting and I will bring this up.
I know in my mind that it is all probably related to my prior injury etc but you know how our minds just like to take us completely side tracked and think the worst.

The nut shell is that I am just over it all, frustrated and want it to get better :( all in good time I guess. As you said it will take a fair amount of time for it to all heal and recover properly.


30-07-10, 14:49
Hey there!

No problem at all, I know how anxiety can sometimes let our minds wander into overtime with worries, etc!

It's defiantely a good idea to bring it up during the appointment with the doc, hope it all goes well! Let us know how you get on :)

Hey, you'll get there one day, it just takes time :)

Chrissy xx