View Full Version : My medications working but I dont like it!?

30-07-10, 02:25
My medications obviously working now for my OCD and GAD but im in a lot of discomfort as my thoughts arent Plaguing me with the same fear they did before the meds!?This sounds crazy now im thinking im going crazy because they are going and I feel really badly scared about them fading!I keep thinking are the thoughts pleasuring me now?Because I can read the word suicide without feeling 'as' tense etc Has anyone else felt like this when they started working?Abit unsettled?:unsure:

30-07-10, 04:15
Heya Katie,

I think a lot of people feel unsettled and worried when the medication starts to work and we start to feel a bit better because we have become so used to thinking and feeling in a certain way. The change is something we haven't felt for a long time and it makes us anxious because it isn't 'normal' to us anymore. It's completely normal to feel this way. Just remember that it will get better and the more you get used to the changes and try not to focus on them the better you will feel :)