View Full Version : i've had to take a diazepam....

30-07-10, 08:24
panic this morning was unbearable and i have just had to take a diazepam....i also take cit but hasnt kicked in as yet been on it for just over three weeks....hopefully soon it will - please god.
i know diazepam is meant to be addictive but i only take when needed....going back to doc's this morning and i need something to help me get out of the door!
just needed to download....writing feelings down helps so much xxxxx

30-07-10, 09:36
Hi calm. Writing helps me a lot too. I tend to take a notepad with me when I go out so I can sit and scribble down my thoughts as I have them. Makes me feel a lot better! If you cant take a notepad use your phone, write text messages that youll never send :)
I hope you feel better soon and good luck with the docs!

30-07-10, 18:12
hi vixxy and paul.....thank you for your messages.....yes i will do as you say keep on writing and wot a good idea burn and release it - thats sounds so so good.
as you say re: diazepam.....its there if one really needs it.....and i did today.....so no more guilt.
thank you xxxx
hope you both have a good weekend and i do hope that you are both feeling positive xxxx once again wot both of you have said makes so much sense....thank you for sharing:hugs:

30-07-10, 21:58
Don't worry about taking the diazepam, Calm - I was given some recently to take the edge off the olanzapine withdrawal, and took up to three a day. I've not had one for about 5 days now, and not experienced any problems. GPs often give diazepam when starting SSRIs.


31-07-10, 10:39
paul and dahlia....thank you so much for your messages xxxx

paul....how wonderful for you xxxx it sounds absolutely perfect xxxx

dahlia...yes i shouldnt beat myself up about taking them.....if they take off the edge until citalopram kick in...then so be it xxxx

hope you both have a good weekend xxxxx onwards on upwards that is what i keep telling myself xxxxx

31-07-10, 12:59
Don't worry about taking the diazepam as prescribed by your doctor. I take ativan .5mg in the morning and .25mg at noon. I have taken this for several months. I did taper off a few weeks ago, without a lot of problems (though it is a low dose). I am back on now because my doctor wants me to stay on it until I gain my weight back (I had lost a significant amount of weight though the anxiety). 30 years ago I took Serax three times a day when I had a panic disorder (a benzodiazepine), and I eventually tapered off of that and was fine.