View Full Version : I feel like there is something wrong with me!

30-07-10, 09:09
Today I won a soft toy in a crane machine today, and I gave it to my dog, and I don't know if it is because I am tired.. but when she started ripping up the toy, I felt bad for it, as embarrassing as it is :blush:! I was like.. "why are you sad? It is just a toy?" I don't know why this feeling came over me all of a sudden, I only felt that way about toys when I was little, and all of a sudden the feeling hit me recently. Could I just be over sensitive?

30-07-10, 09:34
I feel EXACTLY the same, I think its just that anxiety and depression make us feel a lot more empathy for other people and this can translate onto objects too. Please dont worry about it, just accept youre a caring person. Theres nothing wrong with you

30-07-10, 23:07
Thanks, what you guys are saying makes a lot of sense, and it makes me feel better about my feelings toward what my dog was doing :)