View Full Version : Can Diazepam Affect Liver Enzyme Levels?

30-07-10, 15:48
Since having my Gallbladder removed three months ago, my liver enzyme blood tests show some enzymes to be slightly raised. Does anybody know if this is normal in people who have been taking Diazepam for a long time? My GP says she doesn't think the raised enzymes are anything to worry about as they have been shown to fluctuate in the past, but right now everything terrifies me. Since coming out of hospital have been in some state of PTSD and not getting any help from local mental health professionals - quite the opposite in fact. Would very much appreciate any feedback from anybody who might have positive information. Also posted this in the Valium/Diazepam Forum, but there didn't seem to be much activity there. After having my Gallbladder removed three months ago, my liver enzyme blood tests show some enzymes to be slightly raised. Does anybody know if this is normal in people who have been taking Diazepam for a long time? My GP says she doesn't think the raised enzymes are anything to worry about as they have been shown to fluctuate in the past, but right now everything terrifies me. Would very much appreciate any feedback from anybody who might have positive information. Thanks in anticipation. Helen
(PS: Also posted this in the Valium/Diazepam Forum, but there didn't seem to be much 'activity' there at present.)

30-07-10, 22:37
YOur raised enzymes are much more likely to be due to your gallbladder removal as it can takes many many months for your enzymes to return to normal if your gallbladder was affecting them. One test they do for gallbladder trouble is your liver enzymes so the two go hand in hand.

I have taken diazepam for pain relief on and off for many years and have never had it affect liver enzymes and I have mine checked every 6 months.

Your Dr won't be bothered as they will expect them to be a bit iffy after gallbladder op.

31-07-10, 01:20
Thanks Countrygirl. I couldn't understand why my GP insisted on sending me for further tests - LFTs and an Ultra Sound - maybe it's because she knows how anxious I've been these last couple of years - not helped by the fact that I was in dreadful pain and had constant nausea for eighteen months, classic gallbladdder/pancreatic symptoms, and she kept telling me it was just anxiety! That was until a gallstone escaped and blocked a pancreatic duct back in April - they found over 20 large stones in my GB!! So perhaps she's just 'covering' herself this time in case she misses something else. I said to her that I thought the liver enzyme levels must surely be due to the fact that my liver was having to get used to functioning without a gallbladder after having one for 66 years! Anyway, thanks for the support - it's much appreciated. Best wishes, Helen