View Full Version : Can't stop thinking I am dying

31-07-10, 01:03
I am a 38 yr old male and long time sufferer of HA. I also have GERD and IBS. I have had blood work and a colonoscopy in the last year. All was fine. Lately I terrified that I either have something wrong with my stomach or that I have MS/ALS/MND. My stomach has been very upset, especially in the morning. I keep thinking it is the GERD or IBS but sometimes I just feel nausea for no reason then that sets off my anxeity. The other, more urgent fear is this overwhelming feeling that I have have ALS/MS/MND. I have been having an occasional buzzing sensation in my one leg. I don't know if it weaker than the other but it is scaring me. My legs seem weak but they aren't giving out. Furthermore I have spent all afternoon looking at my forearms and trying to decide if they are smaller than they used to be and if that indicates muscle wasting. I know my forearms seem weak but I know if this is just age or if something is wrong. To make matters worse I am having pain in my upper stomach and I am sure this is something horrible. I feel like I have been having a panic attack all day and I just can't find peace. Anyway, I know I am rambling but I am scared. Can anyone relate? Can anyone just tell me that they have had these symptoms?

Thanks in advance,

31-07-10, 13:15
Your in severe panic mode at moment. anxiety can make your GERD much worse as can certain foods - I have a hiatus hernia and some days have terrible heartburn depending on what I have eaten. Do you take anything for the GERD.
The buzzing in leg or anywhere is often a sign of anxiety - see symptoms board. It can also be sign of tight back muscles as I have serious spinal issues with discs and after a massage I get terrible muscle twitching in the bad leg which proves its coming from my back muscles/nerves.
I had mri scan many years ago that showed white spots on my brain and at that time they didn't know if I would develop ms- repeated mr scans over past 10 yrs have shown no change and neuros now say that white spots are very common in healthy people and of no consequence. I was told that if I did get ms I would get definite loss of muscle use rather than pain. Same for ALS.
Have you mentioned your fears to your GP. I have found this can be effective as they can't read your mind so do not think to reassure you about your symptoms unless you tell them what you are scared of.

02-08-10, 20:52
Thanks Country Girl for the response. I take nexium for the GERD and you are right it has been really bad lately. I am sure you are right that this is anxiety related, I just wish I could convince my emotions that this was the case. I am so thankful for people on this board. God Bless you all.

02-08-10, 23:34
Hi J2,
I only joined the forum today, but I understand what you are going through. My post in the intros section will give you some background.
It does sound like you are in serious flight/fight mode and everything is getting the adrenaline going. This always has a big effect on my IBS which ays out for days and even when I don't think I'm panicing, my body is still in this mode like auto pilot. This causes IBS pain which changes form causing cramping, or almost transferred pain. Plus background nausea from being in panic mode. It is hard to say to relax as we are all in the same boat, but start by taking comfort that you are not alone. Then tackle and look at managing your panic. As that subsides hopefully your symptoms will too, or at least become more managable. I hope this makes sense!