View Full Version : started off bad...but now....

31-07-10, 10:41
this morning started off so so bad...huge panic/anxiety attack when i awoke...arms going numb etc etc.
but you know wot....wot a difference an hour makes.....my cousin has just called...she is going to collect me and we are going to go to her's for lunch.
so what i am saying is.....the day can start off bad....but who knows how it will end.....it maybe a good day hopefully for us all :hugs:

31-07-10, 10:49
hi thats really good to hear,my mornings are always the worst just lately ive got jelly legs all the time with mine.do you get this?xhave a good day x

31-07-10, 10:54
wendy good morning xxxx
oh wendy....blasted mornings are awful arent they! no i dont get jelly legs...i get numbness of arms and have to visit the loo (maybe that was too much sharing lol).
how are you now? you ok?...my levels are coming down....but i am nervous about going out but i just have to think "i am safe".
wendy....let me know how your day goes.
keep in touch, love tracey xxxx:hugs:

31-07-10, 11:00
Hi tracey i dont feel to bad now but for the past few days all day i feel like jelly all over especially my legs,i keep sitting on my bed seems to help or is it making it worse,i dont know.
The loo thing lol i get to.How long have you suffered with anxiety/panic?.I just wish we could all wake up one morning and all the symptoms gone.
I get nervous about going out to but like you said keep saying "i know im safe ".hard though isnt it.especially with 3 kids,have you got kids?xx

31-07-10, 11:05
wendy....i do so hope that one day we will all awake and the feelings are not with us....that would be so amazing wouldnt it. with regard to how your panic/anxiety affects you we just have to get throught it the best way we know how. i had a bath and put the radio on.....music helps me.
i have suffered with anxiety all my life really.....but has got really bad these last three months and have been perscribed citalopram on the 9th july....it has not kicked in yet...i am hoping it will soon. i have one daughter who is 13, her name is kerrylouise. she has gone away for a week with friends and i felt so lonely this morning as well. hubby working away....but as i said who knows how the day will pan out xxxxx
wendy stay in touch....what age are your children? xxxxx hope you have a good day, its stopped raining in bedford so that is a plus xxxxx

31-07-10, 11:22
Sounds good to me calm have a wonderful day and glad it turned out good for you x

31-07-10, 11:52
thank you sharon....that is oh so nice of you....going to leave now...a bit shaky if i am honest....but "i am safe" xxxxx
have a good day love tracey xxxx

31-07-10, 12:33
The mornings are the worst for me too, I been getting the numbness recently bit I've had the jelly legs for a while now, which makes it difficult to walk especially when I'm out. I do still go out but I'm so anxious and have the stiff jelly wobbly legs.
Take care

31-07-10, 17:59
Calm, thank you for starting this thread.

Fortunately, mornings are usually one of the easiest times of day for me. That may be because I work at home and don't have the stress of going out and fighting the morning traffic. That has got me into a pattern of doing any errands or shopping that must be done in the early morning.

Afternoons and early evenings are usually my best bet for experiencing various anxiety symptoms. Some days they are are very mild, others more pronounced. In my case, depression is a factor and I have been on bupropion for some time now, which does help. I also have Xanax (alprazolam) to take on an as-needed basis.

It is important to remind oneself that when things get somewhat difficult and threaten to undermine the day, that we have all been there before, we made it through, and there was something good waiting for us afterwards. Hope you had a wonderful time at lunch!

31-07-10, 18:09
ann and mtatum - hiiiiiiiii......isnt it so strange that some people the mornings are the worst and others the evenings......and how when we are under these circumstances how our bodies react. ann - good for you for going out even though sometimes it may be easier to stay in xxxxx
you know wot i love the comment that we have to remind ourselves that when things get somewhat difficult etc etc how true is that....and i am going to repeat that to myself - thank you.
lunch was ok....a bit shaky but got through it ....so that is a tick.
lets hope that tomorrow is a sunshine day xxxx lots of love tracey xxxx