View Full Version : Gregs holliday

31-07-10, 17:21
Well would you know, whent to bed last night, fri, and couldnt sleep still. Insomnia. Still. Slight fuzzy head fealing and slight dizzenes
couldnt relax or concerntrate to fall assleep. So at 1am sleeping pill. Again.
Up this morning feeling drowsey and peed that this course of cits took so far, 2 weeks of my life away. Never again. Anyway got packed ready to go , rang nhs direct , they told me side efects may linger for a while but will go. So they say. Anyway determin to do this hol. Left at 11 am got stuck in tons of traffic , which i norm hate. But delt with it, it took 3 hrs instead of 2 because the traffic, and im hear settling down no real panic feelings, just A bit worried about me sleeping prob , but for now , just going to take sleeping pills to i feel right. And who knows this change of cenery might be just what i need to completley recover. Im not going to let anything get in my way. Iv been through hell for 2 weeks and had bridges and tunnels when feeling realy anxious. So nothing can get to me now. See you all soon.

31-07-10, 17:27
Hi Greg, Glad to hear that you are on your holiday. I will be great! I can sure relate to your struggles.... I am starting me second week on cipralex and it too has been bumpy. My big scare is that I too have big family holiday coming in the fall. scaring me half to death! I just want to be better so my kids can have a good time. That extra stress doesn't help, does it? Let us know how you are doing, and have a great time!


31-07-10, 17:58
Have a great holiday and take the sleeping pills if they work.

Best of luck :-)

31-07-10, 18:01
Hi Greg

Enjoy your holiday.

I'm sure you will sleep well.

31-07-10, 18:27
Hey hon

Glad to hear you got there safe and sound. The effects will wear off, but you may have to just use the sleeping aids until your rhythm settles again. Make sure you are physically wearing yourself out during the day and try to relax and have fun so you fill the mind with happy thoughts

As always my best wishes for you and have a great time

01-08-10, 14:13
Yep thanks all. Day 2 holiday realy loving it feel realy proud i did it despirlte everything in my life . Agaraphobia and the 17 day hell ride on cit. Had good sleep and feel possitive in myself again and am determin to battle more now, my agaraphobia.
I dont have any fear being in pool dorset. As i felt i would open spaces , no prob , and being hear for 7 nights, no prob.
Hey i think iv worked it all out. Give yourself the biggest scare in life, being on cits , living hell, then come of them and come out of the other end , so releved and strong you can face the world. Yeaaaa. Loving it . Take care all ill bring you all back some virtual rock. Love to you all . Speek soooooon ,
greg xxxx