View Full Version : 3rd round of tablets at 8 weeks

31-07-10, 17:43
Back in late May/early June I started on 10mg.

First day was odd, first night was awful in terms of panic and being unable to sleep.

Settled down by second night, no noticeable side effects after a week and started to forget I was on the tablets.

Second round of pills up to 20mg, tiredness was the main side effect.

Now up to 40mg, first tablet today. Wow! Had to lie down for a snooze.

At least if this follows previous patterns, it should settle down in a week or so.

Therapeutic benefits appear uncertain at this point...doctor said it usually takes 8 weeks to start to experience any benefit. However, I've felt more 'ups' and fewer 'downs' than in the past, sometimes quite good in fact. So, this does appear to be promising, and the side effects have died down quickly.

03-08-10, 15:55

Lovely positive post...may it continue for you.
