View Full Version : Refused CBT

Mr Parfect
31-07-10, 17:48
After a waiting list of 8 months, I had an assessment for potential CBT a few days ago.

To my dismay, the therapist has concluded that CBT will not help the problems I have.

As someone who has aspergers, they firmly believe my underlying issues are too intwined into the condition, rendering any CBT treatment redundant.

In addition to this, I am furious at their inflexibility. I am trying to maintain a worklife balance, in fulltime employment, and would have required appointments to fit as much around the working lifestyle as much as possible.

I was told that, had future appointments be recommended, that I would have to accept morning sessions 30 miles away from my work location. As I dont drive, this would have been near impossible to predict how much time I would need away from work to go through these sessions.

However, it is now redundant. I have what strongly appears to be a final visit to the therapist in 2 MONTHS time.

1. Has anyone else under similar circumstances been refused CBT?
2. What, if any, other treatments have been suggested?

31-07-10, 18:30

I have been refussed CBT and counselling, I was told I wasn't a suitable candidate, I don't know why especially when my rheumatologist felt it would help. Then she said it was probably due to cost.

So what does a life cost???

31-07-10, 20:36
I was refused CBT because I wasn't prepared to come down off of the poxy little smarties 2 x 2mg diazepam that I take during the day!!!! It was just an excuse of course, I think they thought that I'd been ill far too long to be helped!!!!

I had an assesment and at the end the woman said that I could have CBT and made my first appointment the following week. When I got there she told me that she had spoken to her supervisor and said the above. So unprofessional, such liars! :scared15::scared15::scared15::scared15:

Not the same circumstances as you though:wacko:

Apparently I can't have any kind of help except medication on the NHS. If I want help I gotta pay for it private!!! Like I can afford anything on incap benefit!

They all have given up on me, small wonder I have given up on myself!!


Mr Parfect
31-07-10, 21:20
Im sorry to hear of this.

I am not even on medication, so no real alternative is available.

Im having to go on just inner gut feeling than anything else. As much as Im annoyed at them for being misleading and awkward, Im annoyed at myself for having a really negative cocktail of traits which have held me back all my days.

Im sick of it.

31-07-10, 22:18
I hear ya about the negative stuff. I've been like this most of my life and cannot seem to get out of it!

You can do CBT online, there is a link on this site.


31-07-10, 23:00
You could both try the No Panic telephone recovery group.

Whilst it is not CBT as such they are very good and you get to talk to others and get some advice.

I believe they do one-to-one counselling as well.

Well worth a try