View Full Version : Constant Colds - Constant Worry

31-07-10, 18:29
For the last 6 months I've had cold after cold after cold. Many times, they've turned into an infection and only anti-biotics have cleared it up.

2 weeks ago I caught another cold, then a week later a sore throat which GP prescribed antibiotics. By Tuesday this week I felt fine, finished course on Thursday and felt fine. However, last night (Friday) and now today I'm back to square one, full of cold.

When I last saw GP he said he wanted to do a blood test when I was well to check there's nothing underlying. I have now managed to convince myself I have leukemia (sp?) and am suffering dreadful anxiety about it. I was fine when I thought I was getting better last week, but now the lurgy has returned I'm absolutely convinced I have leukemia.

I started suffering from HA after the birth of my daughter 3 years ago and it's reached an all time high, I have not talked to my GP about it... Should I tell him about my worry about leukemia, how can I feel better?


31-07-10, 18:48

I too started to have HA after having kids. Seems to be a pretty common starting point. I struggled with it, and constant anxiety attacks and panics for years and years before getting help. To be honest, I didn't even know there was such a thing as Health Anxiety! Over the years I have worried myself sick over many sicknesses (cancers, tumors, MS, etc) It is so scary to always be sick, and yet the doc can find nothing! Last year I finally talked to my doctor about my anxiety. I always just thought it was coming from being unwell. We decided that the best course was to start treating the anxiety, and what a difference that made! I started on Cipralex and ativan, and it worked very well. Too well maybe, as I came off way sooner than the doctor had wanted, and now 6 months later I am having a set back and starting back at the begining.

I am now back on the meds, am going to start with counseling, and am going to beat this thing for good.

Please talk to your doctor about the anxiety. They will still continue to test for all the other bad stuff, but in the mean time, just getting that horrible worry out of your head can do wonders! Once I started to feel better emotionally, I got so much stronger. Once you are stronger you can take so much better care of yourself physically. Once you get there, you will feel like a new woman!

I really wish that I had opened up to my doctor many years ago. There is that feeling once you get there of "being silly" by admitting your worst fears. You can't feel much worse than you feel right now though:)

Good luck and take care,


31-07-10, 18:59
Hi Maria,

Thank you so much for your reply. I think you're absolutely right, I have made an appt with GP for Tuesday and I will discuss this anxiety with him as I can't live like this any more.
I had some counselling last year but that was to deal with getting over the traumatic labour I had with my daughter and subsequent relationship issues - however it didn't deal with the HA and this is what's ruining my life at the moment.
I'm absolutely convinced I have a serious illness, my rational mind knows this is extremely unlikely but the anxious part of my mind seems to be governing everything.
I do think it's got to the point that I need some help - I guess I worry that they won't bother taking me seriously any more if I am ill though!


31-07-10, 19:11
"I guess I worry that they won't bother taking me seriously any more if I am ill though!"

I worry about this too! I tell my doctor that too, If I admit to anxiety, and start on medication, with allllllll the side effects, I don't want everything else to be ignored. I don't want ALL future symptoms I have to be brushed off because they are a symptom of anxiety or a side effect of medication. That was an unfounded fear, they will still test you out to make sure nothing else is wrong.

I understand you comment about "rational mind" all to well too:D I have little arguments with myself....lol. Unfortunately, anxiety is a BULLY, and the irrational mind will ALWAYS win when anxiety has control. It has diagnosed me with more terminal illnesses over the years than I can count. I must have one amazing body to have "survived" all of these horrific illnesses.................

It sure is a great day when the "Rational You" wakes up again!!!!

Good luck and let us know how you make out on Tuesday/