View Full Version : bad anxiety and depression lately

31-07-10, 21:34
hi guys

i've been feeling really anxious and depressed lately. i started a new job and it has been going great, yet i have been feeling really anxious in the morning and i don't know why. also, i have been feeling anxious at home which never happens. this is then causing me to feel depressed. i keep thinking things like " is my life always going to be this bad" and "whats the point?".

i don't know what to do anymore, i always feel keyed up and its just horrible.


01-08-10, 19:55
Is your job at all stressful or find yourself running around/rushing in work?
I developed a "bout" of anxiety and depression when I first started my job but put it down to the stress of planning the wedding I'd just had.
My Job has deadlines and is heavily reliable on computers and programmes, when we first started everything that could go wrong went wrong, I wound up running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
It's taken me 2 years and another "bout" of anxiety and worse depression to realise I need to get out of my job as it's the source of my misery.
Still that's the joys of anxiety, it can hit you at any time! You just have to find ways to relax and just accept the feelings rather than fight them.
One thing I do is if I have any weird symptoms rather than googling them I come straight here and almost always find it's anxiety related!
Take care of yourself!

Mr Panic
01-08-10, 20:12
Hi, Rachel and cwoz82, just wanted to share that I have exactly the same feelings. I've recently started a new job and all these horrible thoughts have re-emerged like panic in the mornings, not wanting to get up, no motivation to do things outside of work and it has all lead to depression. I can't really ditch the job either since I have a hefty mortgage, but I think the worst part for me at the moment is becoming a permanent member of staff again, as opposed to being a contractor. Now I have things like deliverables, and objectives and targets, and its just making me feel terrible - you are not alone!
cwoz82 has it completely right with the sentiment to try to relax and accept, rather than fight the feelings. If only I could remember that when feeling bad...
I find myself clenching my teeth a lot, which gives me jawache and doesn't help.
I think distraction is one of the better methods though - actually consciously stop thinking about the thing that is stressing you out, and try to replace it with a nicer thought.
Hope things improve,