View Full Version : Please Read This

31-07-10, 21:51
Hello all. I have recently made a new friend on this site who I think will benefit a great deal from being able to share and be supported by the other great people on this site. The technical has been a bit of a bother, so I am starting this thread. Thanks!

31-07-10, 21:56
yes i found it so lets see what happens eh marla

31-07-10, 21:57
There you are! Not so bad eh?

31-07-10, 21:59
Hey guys how are you both?

31-07-10, 22:00
so why couldnt i find this subject on here it doesent show me anywhere

31-07-10, 22:03
It will show you under this title each time you reply. And if you keep at posting, it will always be to the top of the pile. Hi shinderuko, I am ok, how are you?

31-07-10, 22:11
hi shinderuko marla has just been showing me how to use this site. still finding my way around it

31-07-10, 22:18
I'm good thanks.
How's the tour going mcclan?

31-07-10, 22:21
just getting my head round this still not sure about everything tho. so what brings you to this site then

31-07-10, 22:27
I've had anxiety for about four months. I couldn't leave the house for a while and when I did I'd have to be with someone. One night I had a panic attack whilst home alone and just thought sod this, googled and found this site.
What about you?

31-07-10, 22:36
i got the site off my doctor on friday.iv been like this for 3 and half years now since i was nearly killed by someone and dont trust anyone or anything more its changed my life for ever i think

31-07-10, 22:39
Wow, three and a half years is a long time to deal with it.
Have you had any treatment for your anxiety or whatever??

31-07-10, 22:46
i still see the doctors every 2 weeks i would not take any drugs or anything like that drugs just tricks the mind to make you think your getting better when really it isent. thats what i told the doctor your just tricking the mind with drugs and he agrred with me

31-07-10, 22:55
Hi Mcclan,

Welcome to nmp, I am sure you will make lots of friends here and find it an invaluable source of information and support on your road to recovery:)


31-07-10, 22:59
thanks lynnann for your info thats my trouble i dont think it will end they way things was dealt wiv but thanks anyway

31-07-10, 23:01
Hi Mcclan,

I think you may be surprised how your mind and body heals in time, when nurtured in a supportive and safe environment:), give it time and see what happens:) I understand that you don't want to use meds, that was the path I chose as well but counselling and CBT therapies are available. Do a little research into them and see what you think?


31-07-10, 23:25
i do have counselling still but its neva ending but who knows eh maybe one day

31-07-10, 23:28
Hi Mcclan,

Take a look at CBT and EMDR both are helpful for PTSD and it could hopefully speed your recovery a little:)


31-07-10, 23:45
what cbt and emdr not sure what you mean by thoes lynn

31-07-10, 23:51
Hi Mcclan,

Take a look at this thread;



31-07-10, 23:52
Hello mcclan, looks like you are getting on ok then? I fought the meds for years, and finally relented with the idea that if the mind gets a chance to relax for a while, it will then be strong enough to make the changes I need to get over this. I have never tried the counselling before, it is a little weird for me, but hey I am willing to try anything!

31-07-10, 23:52
CBT is cognitive behavioural therapy - read all about it on the therapy website page on the left.

EMDR is Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

01-08-10, 01:39
iv been thru all that wiv the doctors nicola. how do i come off this site nicola could you tell me

01-08-10, 01:51
mcclan I've just read through this thread. I'm sorry you want to leave the site.

I was almost killed in 1992 and thought I was over it until I was attacked 9 years ago. I have been suffering ever since and have found this site to be a huge source of support and helpful information.

Have you tried talking to people in chat? They will listen, or point you to places.

01-08-10, 04:29
thanks but when ya want answers like off the police and they tell ya its tough pal and hang the phone up on ya you know you dont have a chance to rid of this nightmare but thanks anyway

01-08-10, 04:39
With everything else you have to deal with, I can't imagine the anger and frustration that comes from getting no help from the police. It kind of must make you feel totally abandoned. I mean the person responsible for your attack it a monster, but to get no help from the people sworn to protect you is disgusting. It makes me hope that there is such a thing as karma, you know? That people get out of life what they put in?

01-08-10, 14:16

Sorry I don't know your story but it was obviously distressing and traumatic, my past was as well. All I can say is that I have found this site a huge support over the years filled with kind and caring people. No one can wave a magic wand and make the past dissapear but how we decide to approach the future can change. I was trapped in the nightmare of fear and anticipation for many years but I decided I wasn't going to let my abuser ruin the rest of my life.

I hope that you give this site a chance and spend a little time getting to know the members here, believe me you won't regret it.

I really don't think I would have got to the stage I am now without them.:)
