View Full Version : fullness in ear(s)

31-07-10, 22:41
does anyone else get this??

31-07-10, 22:44
Maybe they need syringing

31-07-10, 22:48
I get a fullness feeling. I also get a pulling on my ear which feels a little like I have swollen glands under my right ear. This comes and goes during a day and mainly noticeable when I am in public or out of my comfort zone.

I'm not sure if this is similar to you. I feel also like that ear needs syringing also but this again is temporary.


31-07-10, 23:00
mine are clear,its mostly in one ear like i lose my hearing, but dont if that makes sense.

31-07-10, 23:48
I used to get this allllllllll the time, also with little popping sensations but it wasnt actually popping, more like a 'feeling' that it was...it was very strange & only ever when i felt anxious or if i was out of my comfort zone anywhere.. its really odd, the fullness is really weird too, i also got it only in one ear. Another unexplainable anxiety symptom lol! Maybe u cud get it checked over with ur GP incase u have glue ear or something, easily treatable, i had it and its quite common but mostly in children. but adults get it too. good luck :)