View Full Version : Upper Endoscopy fears

31-07-10, 22:54
I need to arrange an upper endoscopy for my frequent heartburn and stomah pains but I keep putting it off. There are several reasons for this:

1. I'm terrified of the possible results (ie stomach cancer). My pains have not responded to 2 months of acid reducing drugs, and I get them every day, on and off through the day.

If I do have cancer of the stomach, I think I'd rather not know and just get on with trying to enjoy the rest of my life.

2. I'm scared of the test itself because

a) I'm a mouth breather - allergies make it hard to get enough air through my nostrils. I'm worried I will choke under sedation.

b) I get pvcs daily, which are aggravated by stomach issues, so a tube in my stomach and blowing air in there is surely going to wreak havoc on my heart.

I really don't want this test, but I'm increasingly feeling like I must have it.

Any advice?

01-08-10, 08:46
i had this test after 2 yrs of unexplained stomach issues and they found nothing.

at the end of the day - if something is wrong - it is better that you know because you can get it treated but i bet you they find nothing x

i had it without sedation - it wasn't the nicest experience but totally copeable with so try not to worry to much - it is over with literally in seconds - they are really quick x

01-08-10, 18:17
hi i had this the other wk i can honestly say theirs nowt to it and i have reg panic attacks lol they push a tube down Ur throat and look around they took a biopsy as well i never ever felt a thing

01-08-10, 20:06
This test is very safe and the tube is very slim so don't worry about choking. They numb your throat with a spray anyway. It's really quick and you get an instant diagnosis so please try not to worry. Endoscopies are done every day in hospitals. They are a surefire way to find out exactly what's going on inside!! Maybe you have bile reflux like me and you may have to take a different med - and remember, it's never the worse case scenario that we imagine!! I hope you get on okay.