View Full Version : Coming off the pill, what to expect ladies?

31-07-10, 23:29
I had an op to remove a pregnancy that never developed in December, then suffered heavy periods for 3 months afterwards. I was put on the pill loestrin in April, to lighten the flow which did the trick. It has also helped the phobia id developed after the op of heavy bleeding/periods.

I don't plan on coming off the pill for a while yet but just wondered what to expect when I do (because of heavy bleeding phobia, want to be prepared). When i have my pill free week then don't start a new packet how soon will i get my period? I have heard many stories, some say you ovulate straight away so have a period 2 weeks later, some say a month and others say it takes months.

I just hope when i do decide to come off it my bleeding doesnt go heavy again:(

31-07-10, 23:38
Everyone is different so it is hard to answer this one.

When I came off the pill I had heavier periods but that does not mean you will as like I said we are all unique.

There is no answer to this I am afraid - it is something unique to your body how it reacts.

01-08-10, 00:03
Yes i guess going from lighter bleeds on the pill it is a shock going back to normal periods. Did yours settle though?

I guess i meant how soon after stopping am i likely to have my first period?

Thank you x

01-08-10, 00:08
This is hard for me to answer cos when they took me off the pill I was in hospital very ill and I didn't have a period for 7 months then they started again.

Nowadays they are quite irregular so I never know when I will have one - very annoying to be honest

01-08-10, 00:12
Oh no, poor you. Mine were always regular, just became very heavy.

01-08-10, 00:17
Mine are definitely worse since coming off the pill - like you say they can be very heavy and not knowing when you are due to come on can be a pain too.

Why are you coming off the pill can I ask?

01-08-10, 01:02
Im not as yet, not for at least six months but we want a baby in the future you see. When i feel ready:)

01-08-10, 08:54
I came off the pill 2 years ago. Before I went on the pill my periods were heavy but regular and since I came off theyre probably as light as they were on the pill, but theyre not regular anymore. This might be something to do with all the stress though.

01-08-10, 10:58
Thx Vixxy. Mine were always regular, hopefully they wont be too bad once i decide to come off it.

01-08-10, 14:04
I went on the pill because I had very irregular, heavy and painful periods, (I couldn't walk some days and would just stay in bed as much as I could)
When I came off the pill and my periods were really heavy and painful again. I was then diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, hence the awful periods :(
On the patch now as it's easier than the pill and haven't had a painful period in months.
Good luck when you come off it :yesyes:
I hope our stories haven't scared you too much lol.

01-08-10, 15:11
Oh I forgot to mention that I do have fibroids as well which can make the periods heavier too.

01-08-10, 22:13

It sounds like your conditions did contribute to your painful and heavy periods, my mum has fibroids and her periods were so heavy and irregular.

No you haven't scared me, I appreciate everyones honesty. I was just really wondering how soon after stopping it I would expect to have a period. Planning ahead, lol!

01-08-10, 22:20
Thanks Dahlia.

I suppose then I will get my first period when I do decide to stop it within the first month or 2. I just wasn't sure how soon after id get a period again.

Thanks again:)

I was on the combined pill for 15 years. When I came off, I ovulated within the first two months. My periods were heavier, but actually less painful than when on the pill. They were very regular - every 28 days. I also got my sex drive back!

I should say that the reason I went on the pill in the first place is because I had ridiculously heavy periods and terrible cramps. I was also having periods every 21 days, which lasted for 10 days. My life was one big period! Anyway - I took the pill for 15 years - and when I came off it, my periods were nothing like they were before I went on it. The terrible cramping had gone, they weren't as heavy and they were monthly.

I'm back on the pill again now, as my PMT was so bad. It seems to help.


01-08-10, 23:16
As pp have said, everyone is different so it is difficult to say.

I was on the pill for ten years. Tried four different ones and each one was different with strange side effects.

When I came off them all together my periods returned straight away - I had had none at all the last ones I was taking which was part of thr reason for stopping taking them as I didn't like the uncertainty. They were also a lot lighter and very regular. I became pregnant straight away though so they didn't affect my fertility at all either.