View Full Version : i feel as though i am going mad!

01-08-10, 12:26
oh god, i feel as though i am going mad today....a really really bad morning cant stop shaking and my breathing is all over the place!
cant sit still...and i am also chain smoking....not inside but outside!!!!!!!!
any words of comfort would be so appreciated......i just want it all to go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-08-10, 13:16
hi calm ive been the same the past couple of days i really do feel insane but ive been ill for twelve years and have learnt that im not, it will subside at some point it always does youve just got to hang on in there. what medication are you on?

01-08-10, 13:19
afternoon chris...thank you so much for your message xxxx i am on cit 20mg since the 9th july this year.....they havent kicked as yet....but i am hoping they will....soon xxxxx
oh chris....its awful isnt it but thank you for your words that they will subside....how are you today? mornings are always my worst for some blasted reason!
keep in touch, tracey xxxx

01-08-10, 13:27
im pretty rough today have had alot of problems this week, my girlfreind couldnt handle it and walked out so i guess im dealing with this on my own, the mornings have been nightmare, i used to be on cit they helped for a while but they can make you feel like the way you are for a few weeks but believe me it will get easier on them and they will really start to help. im on fluoxetine at the moment but when im like this i take chlorpromazine, i swear by this drug it sorts me out in minuites you should enquire about it x i really do feel for you tracey just stay strong and you will beat this xxx

01-08-10, 13:38
oh chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......you are not alone.....you arent chris....we are here arent we.
chris, wot is chlorpromazine....i have never heard of this....do you take it with your fluxetine? so you stopped taking cit....can i ask why?
chris you can always pm me if you need me....morning, afternoon and at night.
we will stay strong and move forward......lets hope this afternoon is better for both of us...thank you chris, love tracey xxxx

01-08-10, 14:03
Think we should swap... a bit of your morning anxiety for a bit of my evening anxiety. Maybe then we could have a day of 'not too bad' anxiety. A day which would feel almost 'normal'.
What is normal?

Deb x :hugs:

01-08-10, 14:07
No such thing as normal Deb :D

Everyone has their problems........we just have different ones. But I would gladly swap mine for someone else's for 24hrs. Well maybe not ....imagine if they had worse problems than us :ohmy:

Carol x

01-08-10, 14:08
thank you for the support xxx chlorpromazine is something my doctor stumbled upon , its an antiphsycotic that can be used when you are in a state of panic, i know it sounds a bit wierd taking an antiphsycotic but it is used for all sorts of things, im allowed it ontop of my fluoxetine its kind of like a quik fix drug that you just take when you need, i used to use diazepam for that but i dont like taking too much of it. i came off my cit because i respond better to SSRIs than other medecation. i will pm you if you like, you can talk to me night or day im a good listener. love chris xx

01-08-10, 14:14
You will feel much better soon Calm, I had all those horrible feelings that you are describing and it just takes awhile for the citalopram to do its job and you will be feeling so much better in no time. Keep telling yourself this and believeing it because its true, we always feel these feelings aren't going to let up but they do and they will.

I have been on citalopram since christmas and apart from the first 2-4 weeks, i've been much much better since and feel great.

take care.

01-08-10, 22:56
Hey Calm and Chris,

I completely understand your feelings of 'going mad/insane', it's probably one of my most persistent symptoms of anxiety, but what I want to remind you of is that you wouldn't realise it if you actually were going insane. It would just happen and you would be non the wiser. This is what I try to remind myself of when I'm particularly anxious and I hope you find some comfort in this.

Take care :hugs:

02-08-10, 10:04
good morning friends....thank you for your messages.....deb, you have made me giggle.....yes shall we go halves????
carol lol....i couldnt handle that either....maybe we should keep our own xxxx
simey - thank you so much for those words of inspiration....i am hoping yes that they start to release me from these panics.....but i know i have to keep on telling myself to be strong this is just a blip and it will pass....hopefully sooner rather than later xxxx
josie.....yes how true is that....if we were insane then we wouldnt know it .....that is oh so true.
i wish us all a good monday....a positive monday and if we can smile all the more better....much love to you all xxxx and thank you for your posts they mean so much xxxxxx

02-08-10, 11:01
I feel the same, really feel like im lossing my mind too.

02-08-10, 11:33
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh paul......what a morning! xxxxx
i do hope your blisters become less painful and you get to buy your cornish ice-cream sounds yum.
yes paul how true, one day at a time xxxx

02-08-10, 11:36
sharon....i feel like a virtual hug...here is one for you :hugs: