View Full Version : Don't know what to do...

01-08-10, 12:29
13yrs ago just after I had my youngest son I cracked up. Panic attacks, total fear of dying 24/7. OCD(the clean freak type). After about a year I finally went to ask for help. I was referred to a psychiatrict unit to which I attended daily for 6 months. Was put on Setraline and stayed on them for 4 years. I learnt so much from the therapy. For the last 8 years I have been semi ok. Everyday think about dying but it hasnt taken over my life. Until recently.
It's like its coming back. And I really don't know what to do.
Starts around 3pm ish and continues til I wake up the next morning. I'm cleaning everything and am terrified of everything.
On April 26th my 14 yr old son and I witnessed a brutal murder outside our house. It was 9pm. 3 men, 1 murderer , 1 was just there, 1 is dead. My call to the police was 11 minutes long, thats how long we watched from the upstairs window. I wanted to go out there but my son was so scared. When the guy with the knife went back to his house across the road. I ran down and tried to desperately hard to save that man. I was covered in his blood. (Now I find out that he was a drug addict/drunk) (what if he was HIV?)
I wish I could tell you more but I cant. 2 men were charged with murder. My son and I were THE ONLY witnesses and will have to go to the 'Old Bailey Court' in london in about 6 weeks time for the trial.
I am so disappointed with myself that I am feeling the way I am. I am looking at a box of fluoxetine 20mg wondering wether or not to start taking them. Do youthink it will help? I dont want to go see my GP as I feel like I was doing so well and now I feel like the last few years relatively panic free was all crap. It just never goes does it? And anyway how can I crack up when my son is dealing with all this so well.
I frightened to go out in case anyone finds out that we are the only witnesses. I am at the point where I want to say to the police forget it. I dont want to give evidence but the decent person in me knows that without my statement this man will walk and he will kill someone else.
The police say that beacuse of the type of people that they are (Drunks/Druggies) we are not at risk enough to be on the witness protection scheme. We have seen victim support but if she says 'it's early days' one more time I think I will 'flip'.
Sorry for rambling on.. what would you do? I dont want this panic to get hold of me again, shall I take the fluoxitine?
I have been taking 'quiet life' some herbal thing for the last few days. But all that seems to have happened is the dreams get worse. Should I continue with them?
I just don't know what to do.

Deb x :unsure:

01-08-10, 12:36
oh deb my heart goes out too you......i would go and see your gp and discuss what has happened. you are not a failure for needing some help. we all need help dont we....thats why i am on here xxxxx and i dont see it as a failure.
let me know wot happens deb...you are not alone xxxxx tracey xxxx

01-08-10, 12:45
Thank you Trace :hugs:... do you think he will put me back on meds? Makes me feel like such a failure. I was doing so well for so long. Now my days are filled with bad thoughts/cleaning and apologising to the cleaned part of the pavement by the front gate.
What a life eh?
Deb x

01-08-10, 12:54
deb.....he may suggest for a shortwhile i guess. please please dont feel like a failure....we are not....but i do know where you are coming from. i was doing so well from my last attacks four years ago....and then a few things happened and i am at my worst again and been put back on meds that havent kicked in as yet.
its a life deb yes.....but we only have one life....we will beat this together and with the people on here xxxxx lets now dust ourselves down....we are going to have a good sunday :hugs: you can always pm me....now i am going to make a cup of tea and watch a funny movie.....hopefully it will make me laugh. thinking of you xxxx and go make that appointment....it cannot hurt can it xxxxx

01-08-10, 13:09
Hi Deb
I'm so sorry you had to witness that. It must have been horrible. Go and see your GP and get meds to help you through this difficult time. Even someone who didn't suffer from panic would probably need some type of help to get over this so it does not make you a failure going back on your meds.
You are very brave to have stepped forward and spoken up. A lot of people would have just looked the other way and not got involved.
You know where I am if you need to talk.
Big hugs :hugs:

Carol x

01-08-10, 13:25
:hugs: Carol xxxxxx

01-08-10, 14:41
Hi Deb,

I've just read your post, and I wanted to let you know that I'm also here for you...
Take care... :bighug1:

Sue x

01-08-10, 15:47
Hi Deb

Wow the stress your under at the moment is enough to tip anyone over the edge, even a person that doesnt suffer with anxiety.
Your poor son, so young to witness such a vile act, you must be so worried about him too.
Then having to give evidence..........MASSIVE PAT ON THE BACK TO YOU GIRL !!!!
No wonder your anxiety, cleaning ocd etc is returning, often these "thoughts and habits" are our way of dealing with stress.
Do see your doctor, this is not the return of your illness its just a minor blip on your road to recovery darling.
You are obviously a very brave lady, brave and strong and if you ever need a chat, im here

take care xxxx tracie

01-08-10, 16:17
So... The house is spotless once again :blush: and its getting to that time of day again when anxiety levels increase 10 fold (will have a heart attack and die in my sleep tonight!).
I feel so relieved that I managed to post this thread this morning after debating about it for days.
You have all been so kind and understanding. Thank you so, so much :hugs:
The plan today is ... to get up early tomorrow and try and get a GP appt. Maybe it is just a blip ? and maybe I just need a little bit of help to get through this time.
Hoping I still feel the same in the morning. (if I dont die in my sleep that is !)

Take Care of you .

Deb x

02-08-10, 13:13
So....I didn't die in my sleep!
I went to my GP this morning. Cried! Felt like an idiot... he was ok to me. Said he wasn't surprised that I was feeling this way after 'what happend'. Gave me a prescription for Setraline 50mg and all I can do is look at the box. Terrified to take one.
Feel like such a failure. To think I was 10yrs relatively free from this crap feeling and now its like I'm back to square one!

Take care of you
Deb x

02-08-10, 20:08
please dont be afaid to take meds we all take one step forwaed and two back in our recovery the times i have thought its coming back but it never stays i think that anyone that has been through what you have gone through would feel anxous and panicky.the meds will take the edge of it and hope you cope good luck,

03-08-10, 01:04
Hi Deb, please don't feel like a failure. You are only back on meds because you witnessed something horrible and remain in a situation which most people would find deeply distressing and difficult to cope with. Maybe the guy will plead guilty to something in the end and you won't have to give evidence. I hope the meds help but I'm just so sorry you have all these worries to deal with for now. I wish you strength :hugs:

03-08-10, 01:47
So....I didn't die in my sleep!
I went to my GP this morning. Cried! Felt like an idiot... he was ok to me. Said he wasn't surprised that I was feeling this way after 'what happend'. Gave me a prescription for Setraline 50mg and all I can do is look at the box. Terrified to take one.
Feel like such a failure. To think I was 10yrs relatively free from this crap feeling and now its like I'm back to square one!

Take care of you
Deb x


I'm on Sertraline...I started on 50mg and then my Psychiatrist upped my dose to 100mg once daily...
I know that you think you're back to square one, but you're not, neither are you a failure...it's just right now you need is extra help to see you through this very traumatic time in your life!

So, don't look at the box, take your medication, because it has helped me from a complete suicidal state, to a person whose mood has lifted, and although I have severe social and GAD, in this particular sphere I do feel better! :)

I hope things in your life improve soon...PM me if you need to talk...

Sue x