View Full Version : 'Tension Headache' symptoms - 9 Days !!!

01-08-10, 14:17
Hello Everyone,

Have been very anxious recently at the thought of a friend who has been very ill recently.

Since then I have been experiencing achy arms and legs although not as much now. further to this I have been having a tension type headache, a tightness around my head that effects both the sides, forehead and back of the head. I would say the pain is not servere as I am still going to work and everyday tasks are still do-able. My neck muscles feel tense and sore as well as my throat which is dry and hard to swallow.. I did experience some ear popping and jaw pain although that has started to fade.
Ive just worked myself up and this headache has just gone on for to long...:(
I have been to the doctors on many occasions to find them saying that is is stress and anxiety and to an extent I do believe them. I had my GP do an examination where he checked my eyes and ears and movement which he beleived to be fine, further to this I have had a blood test which all came back fine.

I really want this gone and any help, recommendations or similar sitations would be some what of a relief.

Any replies would be greatly welcomed.


01-08-10, 14:18
Hi Adam22

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-08-10, 16:54
I went through the same for a very long time. Actually convinced myself it was something much worse. The worst about the tension is the more that you are aware of it, the more you stress, the worst it gets. After suffering with it for a long time, I finally went for massage therapy, and a course of muscle relaxents. Therapist gave me some great stretching and strengthening exercises. The combination of the lot did wonders, and now when I feel it start to tense up, I make sure I do the stretches faithfully 3 times a day, and it gets better.

Hope this helps,

01-08-10, 17:51
Thankyou for getting back to me so quickly...

I do have other symptoms to .. the headache being the worst of them ... I have felt a bit sick at times and go a little lightheaded. Stomach aches which can also cause me a little trouble. Sometimes I feel hot but I dont think its feveress as it dissapears

I try so hard to tell myself .. its all anxiety but I find myself reading and reading on websites .. and then I think I have everything (symptoms) e.g. menegitis so immediatly I am looking for rashes and stuff. I really dont help myself but coming on here sort of reassures me that others experience theses things daily and more intensely.

It just makes me nervous and because of that it really is effecting my day to day activities. I just keep on pestering my doctors .. looking for answers that just dont exsist.


02-08-10, 08:15
I manage to get to sleep fine .. i do wake up early though which is beginning to get anoying.. doc has given me diazepan but im not sure if i should take them

Does anyone thing is genuine anxiety ?


02-08-10, 12:08
????????? anyone else experience a headache for this sort of duration .. other symptoms... any experiences or recommendations would be greatly appreciated .
are sore throats aslo a common symptoms as well as the neck and shoulder pain

03-08-10, 12:05
does this sound like anxiety related ?? :)

03-08-10, 20:48
Hi Adam,

Diazapam would help you to relax and relieve the tension, try them see how you go :)

I suffer from chronic headaches as well as depression, it would be worth mentioning to your doc that you may be suffering too. The sickness and hot flushes, stress and anxiety can make them worse, took me 3 years to get them under control.

Hope this helps a bit


04-08-10, 19:39
Thanks for the reply.. Went to opticians for eye test and said my eyes were fine .. I still feel like s*** .. Can anxiety really still be causing these headaches .. It's been 2 weeks day and night !! Ahhhhh solutions ??????please !

04-08-10, 21:21
I used to have headaches for a whole month day in and day out and yes anxiety can make them worse. I felt sick all the time and dizzy and certain smells would set me off. Was horrible.

04-08-10, 22:51
I'm sorry to hear u had them for that long .. It's so frustrating .. Just sore temples and forehead .. neck is stiff ..How did u get rid of it ? Thanks for taking the time to reply to me

04-08-10, 23:04
you should read my post about my brain tumour fears.
I've been having bad headaches, with dizziness/unsteadyness with hot sweats and with aching neck and aching back and I've had this straight for a month it's horrible and I'm really scared.
I get all the usual panic feelings aswel along with breathing hard and feeling nauseaus and stuff, ugh x

04-08-10, 23:18
Sounds like uve has it tough mate and I am sorry that u suffer still .. Have u seen ur gp .. I can't leave him alone lol.. He check my eyes for pressure and I went to opticians and all cool so I think u just have to chill out and keep going with normal day to day activites as best you can and it will fade .. I've had anxety for only a month or so .. I don't suffer as bad as most of the other great people on here but I think u have to believe the professionals and stay positive

05-08-10, 06:32
Good Morning Everyone !!!

As you can see from the time of this post I have once agian woken early !! ahhh

Still pretty much the same... achy head ... temples and forehead...

new pain is aslo around my chest area ... left ribs ... may have pulled a muscle :wacko:..

Anyone esle out there with these issues .. please dont hesitate to share you experiences.

Adam :)

06-08-10, 07:42
Hi Adam,

I am sharing your experience with tension headaches right now.
I am on week 7 of mine (pretty much 24/7) and totally fed up and worried. If you look in the thread 'Symptoms' at the post WANTED: Reassurance please you will see my story.

I am having the exact same symptoms as you, the tight feeling, the pressure, sometimes it feels like my head is about to explode. (plus a really tight chest feeling some of the time)

Anyway I have been to my doctors who says its anxiety and who reassures me that it is definately nothing more serious and just lots of tension, if only we could not worry it would probably ease lift so quickly.

I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone :)
Amy x

06-08-10, 09:35
Thankyou so much for your reply and I'm sorry to hear that you have had them for so long .. It's so frustrating .. Just won't shift ... I wake up with it and I go bed with it ... I've been trying to chill .. Some days feel better than others ... I'm just worried because of the duration !!! Have u tryed any meds or therapies ?

06-08-10, 17:56
Yeah I'm worried about the duration though but I suppose we just have to trust the doctor, plus with our other symptoms as well it does all point to anxiety. It's just hard to filter out thinking it's something much more serious.

I am on Propranolol 80mg slow release. I was originally prescribed this as I was getting palpitations (meds totally cleared this up) and the doctor thought it may help towards my headache. I've been on it two weeks now and it doesn't seem to have made a difference to my headache.

The doctor is putting me in touch with a councellor (got to wait until September though - which seems forever away right now!) so hopefully they will organise me to have some CBT.

Everydays just such a struggle right now, being at work is sooo difficult and I'm losing interest in anything social as I just feel so rubbish.

I hope you start feeling better soon.

Amy x

08-08-10, 12:32
hi there sending (((( hugs)))))) i went through about 6 or 7 months a few years back where i had horrible tension headaches on a daily basis, it was all down to anxiety and stress its normal...its an evil thing is anxiety the more you worry about it/things the worse it gets, its a viscious circle and its awful try not to worry, im goign through a bad patch with it at the moment and its awful just letting you know you are not alone (((hugs))) xxxx

08-08-10, 13:16
I'm sorry to hear that..

yeh the headache is really getting me down.. obviously i fear the worst..

It just been over a long period and I just want it to shift.. its seems to move from the front to the side and to the back...

stiff neck ..

its really pulling me down.. i just want to go to sleep lol.. ive been taking time off work which is not good

have u experienced this then?

08-08-10, 20:10
I'm sorry to hear that..

yeh the headache is really getting me down.. obviously i fear the worst..

It just been over a long period and I just want it to shift.. its seems to move from the front to the side and to the back...

stiff neck ..

its really pulling me down.. i just want to go to sleep lol.. ive been taking time off work which is not good

have u experienced this then?

Hi yes i had it on the right side of my head and round the back

i also had migraines with this other headache, it went on for about 6 months where i had it every day, it used to come on at the same time every day, it was when my severe anxiety problems started becoming realy bad. The doc prescribed me some tablets i cant remember what they were called now something beginning with N, but they didnt do anything at all. i couldnt sleep with it either,

15-08-10, 22:15
Wow, these posts could have been written by me! I have had a pressure headache everyday since 17th July! and feel sick and dizzy some days too. Prescribed strong painkillers, but they made me sick. I have always suffered from what I call 'fuzzy' heads for years but they've never gone on this long, day in day out. Spent almost 2 weeks in bed apart from going to see GP. Have had blood tests, balance tests etc etc. 2 different GP's have both tried to reassure me that there is nothing 'sinister' going on in my head but of course I think there is. Both have said they are a sypmtom of my general anxiety. I am so worried about it, very tearful and generally not coping well at all. I know that my anxiety is probably making them worse but it's all so depressing. I have been referred for a CT scan, which should make me feel better but now I'm worrying about that.

I am going to try and go back to work tomorrow in an attempt to get back to normal and reading these posts has at least made me feel that I'm not alone!

I have also been prescribed Amitriptyline which, as well as being an anti depressant, is good for pain but have resisted taking it as it can have an effect on the heart and I already suffer from palpitations and dont want to make them worse - if it's not one thing it's another!