View Full Version : CBT -Traumatic past events

Anna C
01-08-10, 18:26

I wonder if someone can help please.
I had cbt last year and my therapist referred me to someone higher. My new therapist asked what had triggered my social anxiety. I said I think it was to do with my step mum who was an alcoholic and treated me quite badly when I was younger.
She said I need to talk about it to be able to move forward and that whatever had triggered my anxiety was still making me act the way I do now.
The reason I had liked the idea of cbt was because you didn't have to talk about the past, as it is supposed to be about the here and now, I know people on here have said about wanting to talk about the past in cbt but haven't felt they could. My therapist said we coud go back to this later or if I am not comfortable talking about it she could still help me manage my anxiety, but she seemed to think it was important.
I can't remember a lot of what happened but I am embarrassed about what I can remember and would feel a bit ashamed talking about it. Also if I do talk to her about it, it will be the first time I have ever spoken to anyone about it.

Has anyone spoken about traumatic past events in cbt and did it help you to resolve anything or help your anxiety?
Thanks if anyone can help.


01-08-10, 18:42
hi anna im still seeing someone on that subject and other things. and they are saying because im still going thru my mind of what happened to me every day thats what is causing you to be like that. so all i can say ya got to occupie your mind so that your concentrating on something else other than what happed to you. maybe that will help you to get on wiv your life better good luck dave

Anna C
01-08-10, 19:03
Hi Dave,

Thank you for your reply and good luck with your therapy, I hope it helps you to move forward and be happy and be free from anxiety.


01-08-10, 19:16
Anna, I attended a phychiatric day unit 10 yrs ago. Mon- Friday for 6 months. There was group and one to one therapy.
It was at least 3 1/2 months before I could talk about personal stuff that had happened to me. At no point did any of the therapists try and force it out of me, make me speak about it. Actually it was being around others who had bad experiences and were sharing their experiences that helped me talk about mine.
You never know ....being on this site might give you a little more confidence. :)
It was the best therapy, and opening up was the best thing I could have done. Looking back it was very hard. But the relief is amazing. I can now talk about it without feeeling guilty and without it hurting so much.

Dont be pushed into talking about anything you aren't comfortable with babe, til you are truly ready.

Take care of you ok :hugs:

Deb x

Anna C
01-08-10, 19:23
Hi Deb,

Thank you for your help, its good that your therapy helped you.
I hope you are still doing okay.

Take care Anna

01-08-10, 21:01
hi i am doing cbt at the moment for ptsd as it will help quicker than waiting for emdr and as i am not keen on admitting i have any problems -you can imagine how i was dreading emdr. so i am doing different cbt with the councillor i already had.... i have found it difficult -but today i am determined to keep at it! as i will not let the perpetrator affect any more of my life! i dont want to put too much on here as i have probably moaned about it enough!! but if you want to at any time, feel free to pm me to talk if you want or to ask questions. i am that bit ahead so might help?

Anna C
01-08-10, 22:34
Hi Ammiemum,

Thank you, I have wondered if I will continue the therapy - I waited quite a while for it. Some of the things she will want me to do will be hard for me, but like you I hope to keep at it.

Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.
