View Full Version : Does anyone understand this

01-08-10, 18:42
Is there anyone else who finds that they obsess about their anxiety, and that is making it worse? Does that even make sense?

me and health anxiety go way back. But right now, it seems that since I started taking Cipralex (currently day 10 at half dose, going full dose on Monday) I am so fixated on the condition ie anxiety, that I am making it worse.

At the start, the meds really revved it up, for three days I was very ill, and climbing the walls, my anxiety went into overdrive. Cut the dose in half, and most of the side effects became manageable, and almost non-existent.

But now I find that all day long I am constantly thinking about being anxious, worried that it is getting worse, worried that I am making myself worse......on and on and on.

Sad to say, but I almost wish that I had a physical thing to fret over, then I wouldn't be probing at the anxiety all the time.

I mean really, if I sat here long enough and thought about oh, say my Big Toe, I am sure that I could make it hurt, of feel weird, or probably even fall off. Sooooo, if I sit here all day and wonder about my anxiety, well, I probably am making this whole thing worse. BUT - the big but - how do you not think about the very thing that is constantly chattering in your head??????

01-08-10, 19:02
Oh Marla ...I absolutely know how you are feeling. I spent yesterday looking at the OCD forum and although my OCD is bad enough I started to think what if I wake up and start doing things in 3's, It could get worse!
And now thinking that if I go to the docs tomorrow and he gives me cipralex like you have, will I be in a worse way by Wednesday because of the side effecs. For gods sake he hasnt even given me a prescription yet!
I think we as sufferers live on 'what if's' and the more we 'what if' the higher our anxiety levels go.
I find seeing other people on here with far more severe things going on than me, makes me feel like maybe I can do this! Be Normal...whatever that is. :shrug:

Don't give up babe :hugs:
Deb x

Mr Panic
01-08-10, 19:21
Maria, that sounds all too familiar - I overthink things to such an extent that just thinking about whatever is likely to stress me stresses me out! It's like poking a snake to see if it will bite you. I know its a cliche, but I find that if I actively (and consciously) try to replace whatever I am stressing about with something positive, I can at least trick my mind for a few minutes. Keep at it, and it's not such a bad day afterall, because a) you haven't stressed about it ALL day, and b) you've actively done something about the feelings, which can/should make you feel a little better.

Someone said to me once 'Hour by hour, day by day', then added 'sometimes its second by second, minute by minute'. I find that finding something productive to think about (even if it is just 'I am going to hover the lounge tonight') and then thinking about how you will do it stops the obsession with negative stress. It becomes too easy to focus on the poo parts of a day rather than the good parts, and it's all a state of mind. Perhaps have a look at EFT if you havent already, even if it doesn't work, it will at least give you something else to think about during stressy times.
Hope things improve, for you, me, and everyone else that is on this site. I only joined today, but I am very happy that I found it.


01-08-10, 19:21
Is there anyone else who finds that they obsess about their anxiety, and that is making it worse? Does that even make sense?

me and health anxiety go way back. But right now, it seems that since I started taking Cipralex (currently day 10 at half dose, going full dose on Monday) I am so fixated on the condition ie anxiety, that I am making it worse.

At the start, the meds really revved it up, for three days I was very ill, and climbing the walls, my anxiety went into overdrive. Cut the dose in half, and most of the side effects became manageable, and almost non-existent.

But now I find that all day long I am constantly thinking about being anxious, worried that it is getting worse, worried that I am making myself worse......on and on and on.

Sad to say, but I almost wish that I had a physical thing to fret over, then I wouldn't be probing at the anxiety all the time.

I mean really, if I sat here long enough and thought about oh, say my Big Toe, I am sure that I could make it hurt, of feel weird, or probably even fall off. Sooooo, if I sit here all day and wonder about my anxiety, well, I probably am making this whole thing worse. BUT - the big but - how do you not think about the very thing that is constantly chattering in your head??????

Hi Marla

Life would be so much easier if it was physical,something to show,or look at,at least we would be able to see it getting better..

And how many times do we say this cant possibly just be anxiety i feel soooo bad it has got to be something terrible,because anxiety cant make us feel this crap..:weep:

I really feel for you :hugs:I have been exactly where you are so many times,and have a tablet phobia,which increases my anx off the scale!!!:ohmy: so I am always worrid i will become ill,and have to take something,so then I am focusing,then imagination takes over...

Anx is a funny thing,it seems to fill in the worry we have between our stressors,if somthing is worring you no matter how small,stupid,try and talk to some one,you can pm me anytime,and we can talk it through,as anx will fill in the bits for you,if you can talk and get another opinion,then the anx has nothing to do,..

Its trying to shut you mind off,which is the hardest thing in the world:ohmy:,as we constantly look for answers..please dont feel alone...

Big ((((HUGS))))))


01-08-10, 19:39
I LOVE Deb, Nick, & Sky (cue the music), lol. It is just so great to hear from people who know the clutter in my head. Thanks to you all:hugs:

01-08-10, 19:47
now im here marla and i do here what you here in a way so like ya say we can all do this together :yesyes:

01-08-10, 20:17
Dave my man, you said it. glad to see you here :bighug1:

01-08-10, 20:22
just been learning about things on here marla on setting it up.iv even got a pic up now hope a dont scare ppl wiv it thats all a need

01-08-10, 20:25
You rock!!! Have no idea who dr who is, so you don't scare me. (I scare me:roflmao:)

01-08-10, 20:33
thanks marla im sure ya dont scare ya self ya just imagine you do :roflmao:

06-08-10, 04:14
how do you not think about the very thing that is constantly chattering in your head??????

By ignoring it like an annoying friend who won't stop talking and by finding something else to "listen" to or do such as an enjoyable hobby.

I mean really, if I sat here long enough and thought about oh, say my Big Toe, I am sure that I could make it hurt, of feel weird, or probably even fall off. Sooooo, if I sit here all day and wonder about my anxiety, well, I probably am making this whole thing worse.

Yep, so don't sit doing nothing. Even watching tv can often be boring. If you sit and you feel anxious, find something stimulating in front of you to keep your mind occupied such as a crossword, a puzzle book or even simply reading a book, or perhaps knitting something complicated. Whatever it is, it has to be something you enjoy whch is engrossing.

But now I find that all day long I am constantly thinking about being anxious

Then don't! If you keep thinking about about anxiety, you keep feeding it with the attention it's seeking. Starve it by ignoring it and find that fun thing to give your mind something good to think about.

since I started taking Cipralex (currently day 10 at half dose, going full dose on Monday) I am so fixated on the condition ie anxiety, that I am making it worse.

Well, sadly, one of the negative things about meds is that they are a daily reminder that we suffer from a condition - anxiety...and guess what?....anxiety loves attention because that's what it feeds on!...so in a way taking meds can actually be feeding our anxiety even if they can help to ease symptoms. One other problem is that any side-effects they produce will also often feed our anxiety especially if we suffer from health anxiety because we love to worry about any symptoms meds or our anxiety produce.

me and health anxiety go way back.

If you look at it another way, you're constantly looking for anything health related to worry about. This builds up tension which creates anxious feelings which you then worry about because they're health related. So what you're doing then is taking meds to try and stop you from worring but worries are created by the way you're thinking. If a ghost greets you, either you can run, fight or sit their taking a med in the hope the anxious feelings and the ghost will run away.

If though you keep your mind on other things and learn how to ignore the ghost, it doesn't know what to do then so it melts away to annoy someone else it think it can frighten.

Anxiety and fear are natural reactions. They only become a problem if we can't resist staring at our ghost which is what the ghost wants us to do by frightening us.

Hope that helps.:hugs:

06-08-10, 04:51
Thanks Bill, you are so very right about so many things! It is always so nice to hear positive and encouraging things, it really does help:) And it is only too true that if you can get out from under the constant worry chewing at the brain things get sooo much better. I am actually starting to feel that I am turning that corner. This site and wonderful people like you are making a world of difference in my life, when I needed it the most:hugs:


06-08-10, 05:08
I'm glad being here is helping you.:hugs: I only wish I knew this site and wonderful people like You ten years ago when I was going through my worst spell because then maybe I wouldn't have gone through so much feeling alone. If I can add a little to help lovely people like you always smile then I'll be happy too!:hugs: