View Full Version : Can i get through this again??

01-08-10, 21:26
I joined a couple of days ago and i explained that although i have suffered from painc attacks for 5 years (because of past truma) i started to get alot better intill jan of this year when my beloved dog died. I found this a real struggle (he was my baby!) to get through. We brought a new puppy in May time and he really helped with the grieving and i loved him just as much with his cheeky little nature, then on Thurs he got run over all very sudden the hardest thing is he was only 6 months old! I feel so awful at the mo i got some tablets from the doctors on friday to help me through the weekend because i had work on as i run the business i had to do it! The tableys worked but knocked me out i was like a zombie. Im just dreading the next coming months really dont think i can bear coming through this again. I know some people think dogs are judt pets but they are part of the family and you feel so responsible for them.
I have not gone on anti depresents before but i may feel like this is my last option, i dont think i can be strong enough this again i dont seem to be as strong as every one else around me i know we all show it different ways but i just feel like a nervous wreck!!
Sorry to go on just helps sometimes to write things down

01-08-10, 21:33
A couple of years ago my 13 year old black lab got off of her leash and I didn't know it. I went out to put her to bed, and she was gone. I then got a call on the phone from a young man who had run her over (thank goodness I had my phone number and her name on her collar). I felt awful - I thought it was my fault, even though I know it was just one of those things that happens. That happened about 4 years ago. Two years ago I bought a yellow lab, and she is doing well. I ended up fencing in my backyard so I didn't have to worry so much about her getting away. I do know how you feel about your pet.

01-08-10, 22:13
Im so sorry to hear that. Its traumatic enough losing one pet, but 2 in a short space of time. I cannot imagine what youre going through.
You will get through this though. You need to focus on the love and affection you gave those dogs. Im sure they were both extremely happy and content with such a loving owner. Maybe you could have a funeral for him?

02-08-10, 13:26
Hi, Thankyou for your replys, i have stopped taking the tablets as the work load has slowed down but Im starting to get the panic attacks now! I had to go 5mins down the road this morning to pick someone up and i dreaded it, i also feel so so tired. I just want to go to bed but i vcant seem to sleep, my body is shattered but my mind keeps playing.

We have buried my puppy down our field where all our pets go, im going to buy a plant this week to go on his grave. xx

02-08-10, 13:35
oh kerrie....our pets are not pets but family as you said.....and no some people dont undersand....but these are the people that have never ever had a companion.
i am so so sorry to hear about you two passing away - and your puppy in such tragic circumstances.
kerrie....we are all here for you.....panic attacks....i so wish we could just switch them off like we do when we turn out the light.
thinking of you and let us know how you get on xxx

03-08-10, 14:41
thank you, i will do. I managed to go out this morning but my legs feel like jelly, all i want to do is lie down! Im trying to concentrate on work got sooo much to do.
Thank you all for your support x

03-08-10, 16:42
Hi Kerrie,

So sorry to hear of your loss....must be so hard, pets are some peoples lives and it is so difficult when something happens to them.

I think its a lovely idea buying a plant to go on his grave...at least you can visit the grave.

Thinking of you.
