View Full Version : different day same thing. 3years of and still know change

01-08-10, 22:41
since i was attacked 3 years ago. i cant seem to get back to who i was. i feel trapped in this nightmare of a real dream thats changed my life forever

02-08-10, 07:13
It has to change your life forever, but you get to decide who you will be in the future, if only for tomorrow. :hugs:

02-08-10, 14:50
thanks marla we can only see what comes out of it

05-08-10, 00:07
since iv become this new person seeing doctors for all these years trying to get me back to i use to be. some how i think it will never happen as they go home and im just back to my horriable nightmare that seems to took over my life. there doesent seem to be an end to it or maybe it was ment for me not be here anyone i do not know what the answer is

05-08-10, 00:43
Please dont be alone, you can get better from this even though it feels really bad right now.

05-08-10, 02:02
wish i could feel the same way as your thinking but its not to be thats all i can see thanks anyway

06-08-10, 17:49

Only you can break the cycle of fear and dispair that you feel trapped in. It takes time and perserverance but you will get there if you want to. It is scary and sometime uncomfortable to confront these things but I believe you can achieve a better sense of peace than you have now.:)

Remember it has taken you three years to get to this point, there is no overnight cure but each day is a new day with more possibilities than the one that has passed before it:)


Nigel H
20-08-10, 13:21
There is NO reason why you should still have PTSD after 3 years, if you are receiving the right sort of help. I have personally experienced what is possible having suffered with it myself after an accident.

Luckily, I was trained in methods to deal with such issues and saw saw someone I knew to deal with my issues swiftly. So I know it can be comfortably dealt with in a rapid time-frame - both through training in it and via personal experience!

I feel for you, being in a position where you have not had access to such help, but will help you if I can.

Let me know.



20-08-10, 14:27
iv not been in a accident nig. a was attacked and they are still here where i live and nothing was done about it thats why im still the way i am

20-08-10, 16:32
This must be terrible for you .:hugs:Is it possible for you to move away at all ? I know you shouldnt have to ,but it would surely help with that aspect of it .Otherwise its a matter of acceptance .Are you still recieving councelling ? Sue x

20-08-10, 19:14
still seeing the doctors yeh. but once they have gone im bk to where i am. its not just the one who did this to me i cant stand the sight of the police near me iether cos they are as bad as the one who did this to me so dont know what to do now

Nigel H
21-08-10, 15:20
mcclan - I have PM'd you

There are things you can do, despite that and I'm happy to help.