View Full Version : And so it begins, AGAIN!!!!!

01-08-10, 23:11
Here we go again.

It's been 9 months now since but it is slowly coming back, I know the symptoms off by heart now. It started over this weekend - getting the muscle tention and the random pains everywhere; the spinning heads are slight at the moment but guarenteed they will start getting worse over the next few days; fatigue is creeping it's ugly head around the corner as well. I just hope the panic attacks don't start up again!!!

I hope this eases off soon as I hate a stretch of bad days. :unsure:

01-08-10, 23:16
You poor thing!!! It's horrible that we get so accustomed to when and how our anxiety/depression is returning. It's bad enough dealing with it full force, without knowing that we're heading towards it and fast. But remember, you have managed to overcome these feelings before and you will do it again. Remind yourself of what a strong person you are and that you will come out on the other side, just as you have done in the past.

We're all here for you. Take care:hugs:

01-08-10, 23:30
Thanks Josie, thats a great comfort. I have been on this site for a while now and always good advice from good people. I hope it is just a low couple of days and will do my best to overcome.

Thanks again, Daz

05-08-10, 01:33
Had a good day yesterday so thought was on track and all would be good. Then I developed this tingling sensation in my right cheek and my anxiety flared up all day. Ah well hope tomorrow is better.

05-08-10, 08:02
I have been weaning myself of Cipralex and I am down to 5mgs, I haven't felt stressed or anxious and was back to my laid back extrovert self until my daughter had a letter about her going for a medical (she suffers from severe mental health problems)

Of course now I feel stressed again and quite weepy.

I am going through a I can't imagine not having her around phase (I know people whose children have died:weep:) so I have got that going through my head which is making me feel worse.

Every so often I feel a little of the old me coming up to the surface and then it goes again.

I am 58 and worry about not being here for her and my son (they are 26 and 28).:weep::weep:

05-08-10, 16:27
Oh wow i cant believe i have found this place..

I havent had any meds since april of last year and i have done ok up until about 2 months ago and i can feel my anxiety and my depression creeping back. I havent told my fella for fear of seeming a failure. I am a failure because tomorrow i am returning to the doctors for help. I hope someone can sort my head out cos i cant seem to do it alone.