View Full Version : Just a little intro by me

01-08-10, 23:16
I thought it only polite to introduce myself and also say.. where have you been all my life?!?!

I have suffered (and still do) with anxiety, phobias, depression the lot for many years. Ive often struggled to find someone to talk to and relate to and have found my life quite lonely sometimes. At the moment, i am meds free and have been for 18 months, but my anxiousness and my panic feeling is still there and probably always will be and im pretty stubborn and im trying to cope without while things are good. :unsure: So.. its a constant roller coaster ride for me up and down day by day.. week by week.

So.. Hello everyone! Its finally nice to find that im not so alone after all:)

01-08-10, 23:18
Hi Serafina

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-08-10, 23:26
hi im new as well just got here yesterday and had my up and downs wiv it at the mo but getting there. we all share are problems and try to guide each other through it the best way we can so ask anything or tell anything and i will try and answer it the best way i can good luck dave:welcome:

02-08-10, 00:38
I hope that site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

Vanilla Sky
02-08-10, 11:40
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Veronica H
02-08-10, 12:44
:bighug1:welcome to NMP. Glad that you have found us.
