View Full Version : De ja vu

02-08-10, 00:05
I've had GAD for a few years now, and although copable now, I still have attacks from time to time and feel anxious in social situations etc. The last few weeks I have noticed that I've been having de ja vu A LOT. Every day for up to as many times as 3 times a day. It's getting longer do, it started as a few seconds at a time, today one lasted for 2 to 3 minutes. I'm putting it down to anxiety first over anything, but I am aware there is a possibility it could be temporal lobe epilepsy, as other things I experience seem to fit the bill, but those things also fit the bill for anxiety! I'm hoping it will pass but after nearly 3 weeks I think it's getting a bit much and as they're getting longer I'm getting more and more worried.

They're not normal de ja vu episodes either. It's not the "oo! de ja vu!" reaction. I get an intense fear that it means I'm going to die. I've seen this before, and I know it must lead to my death.
I know it won't (considering the situations I've had it in so far at least) and I'm still here! But that doesn't change how I feel at the time.

I guess really I just want to hear from any of you that have experienced this with de ja vu, whether it be what feelings you get and/or if you get it very often. Also, if you think I should get checked out by the doctor just in case, I'm thinking I probably will, if nothing else to put my mind at ease. :unsure:

02-08-10, 00:09
This sounds more like depersonalisation and derealization to me

02-08-10, 00:20
I wouldn't say it's quite either of those, I have had those before, especially when I was on medication, pretty much the whole time. I mostly felt like I was in a constant dream or something. But having had a quick look on wiki it does say it can be like de ja vu. That's something I never considered before, I feel fine leading up to it and afterwards, if a little shaken.

02-08-10, 03:58
De Ja Vu has to do with the neurons in your brain resending signals. So what happens is instead of sending the signal once it does so twice which means that you experience the sensations of doing something twice rather than once :) It's likely to be just because of the anxiety because anxiety makes you think a lot more and you end up with a lot of active neurons at once. It may just be that they're firing too much because they're so active :) Don't worry yourself too much about it. Check in with your doctor if you keep worrying or it happens more frequently, but it does seem like anxiety to me.