View Full Version : Really feeling bad, can anyone help?

02-08-10, 11:03
I’m pretty sure I’m having a bit of an anxiety attack but I’m just looking for reassurance and some advice on what I can do. I have a history of health anxiety but it does come and go and I’ve been okay for a few months.
Last night, without warning I began having shooting pains on the right side of my head – very quick sharp pains, just a couple of seconds long, but I’d get one every 5 minutes or so. I instantly began worrying about aneurysms etc but managed to calm myself down and convince myself it was anxiety.
I went to bed but only managed to get about 2 hours sleep because it was keeping me up. Woke up this morning with just a dull ache on the right side, in place of the shooting pains. Took me longer than usual to get myself off to work but I did make it in. Now that I’m here the headache has worn off a bit, but I feel completely spaced out. My head feels all fuzzy, I’m typing this message but I feel as though I’m dreaming the whole day. All of my movements feel heavy and slow, my head feels like a lead weight. I am pretty sure this is all anxiety though a small part of me keeps questioning if something is wrong. Please can anyone help me and suggest what I can do to snap out of this?
Thanks so much,

02-08-10, 11:10
This sounds to me like anxiety.
I like you feel like this and went to work only to leave after 40 mins crying (this morning)
Its not nice to feel this way but if you can hold out then it will pass.
try and relax. xxx

02-08-10, 11:57
Karlyo how are you feeling now?
hope you are ok.

02-08-10, 13:22
Sounds like anxiety and the poor sleep didn't help you a bit. Hope you can get through the day and rest up later - I am sure you'll start to feel better. :)

02-08-10, 13:22
I also forgot to say that everything for me is 10x worse when I don't sleep well. Like everything is coloured grey when I'm overtired.

02-08-10, 18:32
Thanks so much guys...I know you're right. I'm feeling quite a lot better now, I managed to snap out of the spaced out feeling after a few coffees. Still not quite myself. This anxiety stuff is a nightmare. I'm just praying the headache doesn't return tonight :-(