View Full Version : Feeling really low - Please help.

02-08-10, 11:43
Hi There,
I have been getting lots of different symptoms recently along with heartburn and I am really scared. I get like pressure in my head and face. Also stiff neck and shoulders. Not sure if its tension? I also have developed loads of mouth ulcers :weep:. I used to get a few now and again but have had lots in the past couple of months and its really worrying me. I also have started to see little faces everywhere I look which is scary :weep:. I don't have to be thinking about it and I will see a little face in a pattern or something. I feel like I am going mad. Please can anyone offer any help or advice.

02-08-10, 12:06
The more you hope you won't see them the more they'll appear and although you may not feel it the worrying about tension and aches is causing more tension which'll make you ache all the more. Iget mouth ulcers occasionally but i've noticed atm I'm getting spots on my face which i've never really got before. Try and relax even though it's the hardest thing to do right now xxxx

02-08-10, 13:19
Any pressure or stiffness can definitely be related to anxiety. And mouth ulcers show up when you are not completely well, either mentally or physically. I once had them (and don't usually get them) somewhere in my mouth for over 6 months straight - very bothersome. Perhaps I lacked a vitamin or was overstressed? But they finally went away. Try to take it easy, eat well and get enough sleep.:)

02-08-10, 13:40
I usually get them when I am overtired (mouth ulcers that is) and the stiffness is def an anxiety thing. I think some us are more pictoral than others and I cant look at a pattern without seeing a face in it - if you being to worry about that then ti will happen more and more becasue your brain will focus on it so dont let it worry you - our brains are designed to make order out of chaos and thats all thats happening when you look at a pattern or cloud formation or something like that.


03-08-10, 11:21
Thank You all for your replies. I will try and relax a bit but its so hard. I keep thinking I have so many different illnesses. I can't help it but will try.
