View Full Version : PMT help.

02-08-10, 13:05
Saturday I started to feel really down in the dumps and was very snappy.As my citalopram have been altered recently from 60 mg to 40 then back up to 50 then 60 again I thought it must be that.

Yesterday I was ok,or thought I was until my mum said the wrong thing to be and I just flipped!!!!!:ohmy:we had a row and then all afternoon and evening I was crying really badly,sobbing my heart out.

I couldn't breath I was anxious ect ect.I then realised my period was due and could it be PMT,my period arrived this morning so yes Im pretty sure it was PMT.I haven't had PMT like that in years!!!!!!!!! today I feel really anxious and shakey.

I take evening primrose,does anyone here take anything herbal remedies for PMT please.:hugs:

02-08-10, 13:13
just wanted to say hi yorkylover....and i hope the pmt goes away soon xxxx i dont have any remedies but maybe go to the health shop or your local chemist for advice....or maybe your gp xxxxx

02-08-10, 13:16
I often (but not every month) have PMS and have emotional days full of little or big outbursts but don't realise what's going on until after my period arrives. Give it a day or two. I am sure you'l feel much better.:)

02-08-10, 17:05
Thank you,dont feel as tearfull today but very tired.xxxxxxxx:hugs:

02-08-10, 17:51
Chocolate! It releases happy hormones, so I would make sure that youve got a nice box for next month. Dont just buy a chocolate bar make it a treat. Buy a box of dairy milk or another selection box. Im sure the thought of that waiting for you will make you happier :)

Cell block H fan
03-08-10, 11:23
I used to suffer terrible with it. I'm late thirties now & it seems to have gone mostly. Occasionally I will be a bit snappy, but more often than not my period arrives by surprise as I had no symptoms leading up to it.
But lets put it this way, in my early 30's I was put on Diazapam 5 days a month as it was that bad! Basically I could have walked under a bus a few times. x

03-08-10, 13:18
Cor diazapam,I used to be on that for anxiety for a short time.I must admit I thought things were getting better,my periods are a bit lighter and not as painful as they were in my teen years.But my moods are awful!!!! quite scarey actually.Im scared I might belt someone.:scared15: