View Full Version : Tingly lips. Can anyone re-assure?

Natalie x
02-08-10, 13:31
Hi. I just started to get a tingly feeling around and on my lips. I'm going out of my mind with worry now. Can anyone re-assure me or has anyone had anything like this before? I'm scared x

02-08-10, 13:55
hi natalie....oh natalie, these feelings are oh so awful - there are tags have u seen them.
natalie....i am all new to this....do u suffer from panic/anxiety/depression? for me when i get a panic attack...my arms go all numb....i guess our bodies react in different ways and maybe this is your body coping with your panic attacks. somebody will answer you with more knowledge i think.
thinking of you natalie, take care, tracey xxxx just remember though and it is blasted hard....that it will stop.....just go with it and it will pass xxxx

Natalie x
02-08-10, 14:00
Hi Tracey. Thanks for your reply. It seems to have gone now, but I keep getting these sort of vibrations in my head and it makes me feel like I'm off balance for a split second. I'm really scared that these are something to worry about. Has anyone else had these vibrations? I'm so scared x

02-08-10, 14:39
I think tingling lips is one of the classic signs of anxiety. Among other things, it could be caused by irregualr breathing. I am sure you are just exeriencing the feelings of panic. Try to relax, hold on and you'll get through it. Good luck

02-08-10, 15:15
I have also replied on your other thread.

Tingly lips are a classic sign of someone who is overbreathing ie breathing too fast..again totally harmless and caused by the fact that you are panicking.

Take slow breaths, concentrate on gently breathing in and out and you will be fine.

02-08-10, 17:52
Hi Suffered from this loads and loads over the many years coping with anxiety. Deep breathe - yeah i know it's easier said than done but believe me it really works. Hope it eases soon.x:)

03-08-10, 04:51
Hey Natalie :)

Ugh I used to get this all the time along with the horrible vibrating and pressure in head feelings. It's the most horrible sensation.

The tingling lips is generally caused by hyperventilation, which most anxiety sufferers do without realising! I never classed myself as a hyperventilater until my psych ask me to breathe 'slowly'. In for 5 seconds, out for 7 seconds, and I could only breathe in for 2 and out for 3! It might be that breathing quickly and shallow has become a habit for you like for a lot of anxiety sufferers and that's how you breathe 'normally' now. It isn't bad for you but it does cause some icky sensations like increased anxiety, funny head feelings and tingles in the face and hands and other areas because there isn't much oxygen going around.

When you get tingly in the mouth try to breathe really deeply and slowly. You might find that this eases it a bit :) And try not to worry, because it isn't a symptom of anything dangerous but anxiety. I know it sucks, but it'll be ok!

And with the head thing I find that mine used to happen the more stressed I was and the more I focused on it. In the end I couldn't figure out if I felt it then thought about it or if I worried about feeling it then it happened! Try to ignore it, trust me I know how hard and ridiculous ignoring it may seem, but the more you try the better you get at it.

If it worries you a lot check in with a doctor, but it's definitely anxiety related so just try to relax and breathe deeply. Deep breathing is really easy to practice lying in a bath because it instantly relaxes your muscles and reduces stress :)

03-08-10, 15:52
I get this, always only on the right side, and the tongue on that side also goes numb / tingly. It seems to happen even if I don't feel like I am panicking or overbreating but I am sure it is down to anxiety in some way as I am in constant state of being anxious!