View Full Version : Thanks

Pat Ormond
22-02-06, 12:43
I'm so glad that I have found this site and that I am not alone with my problems. My anxiety attacks have been getting worse and getting me down and I don't want to increase medication. When you're housebound it's easy to feel you're the only one. So thanks to everyone who has replied. It's taken away my feeling of lonliness.
Maybe with your help I might get to that wedding. It seems an immense hurdle but you never know!

22-02-06, 12:51
A big welcome to you. :D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-02-06, 12:51
the biggest hurdles in our lives are those that teach us the most, you will be there at the wedding, have you got claire weekes books

22-02-06, 14:12
Hi Pat

We all know you can do this re the wedding.

Take good care.

We are all here for you


22-02-06, 20:27

We will give you all the advice we can about weddings so stay around
