View Full Version : sorry its me again.

02-08-10, 15:21
Sorry all i seem to do is come on here and moan.
I feel so spaced out and not right i just want to feel myself again.
still waiting for the doc to call, to see what he says.
so worried about lossing my job if i have to much time off and also dont get sick pay so im sure it will make things harder.
i just want to know these meds will make me feel better and i can get on with my life again.

02-08-10, 15:35
Hi honey

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment.

And don't think of it as moaning...we are all here because we need extra help and support.

If you need me PM me at anytime. :bighug1:

Sue x

02-08-10, 15:38
Sharon maybe when you tell your doctor just how bad you are feeling and that you had to come home from work then he'll give you something to take short term to get you through the early days until your meds work? I feel for you because I know what it's like to feel anxious and trapped in your job. At least I got paid when I took a bit of time off. At the same time if you feel bad then maybe you definitely need to take a week or two off and I'm sure your doctor will provide a sick line. Try and think positive in that after a week or two you could feel so much better. You won't always feel like this so don't despair.
Myra x:hugs:

02-08-10, 15:43
Thank you once again,
ive got diazepam and propanolol but they dont seem to do anything the doc said to up the dose on these, but im sure that will make me more spaced out.
I really think i need time off work and let the meds settle down, so im going to ask the doc that.
If i loss my job so be it.
I cannot go on like this feeling rubbish.
I wish you both well and thank you so so much once again. xx

02-08-10, 18:10
SHARON.....then we must all moan.....at the moment i feel so high maintenance but that is what we are all here for!
sharon, go and see your gp - write everything down before hand because i always forget the most important question and then leave and think damn i forgot to ask that!
thinking of you, tracey xxxxx

02-08-10, 19:33
Hi Sharon I'm having a tough time too. I'm really struggling at work constant panic attacks, can't keep still at my desk. it's horrible, I'm going to be starting cipralex tomorrow and very nervous about starting the meds, but know i have to as I'm in a constant state of anxiety. Wishing you all the very best. Ann

03-08-10, 09:23
Hi ann,
Sorry to hear you are feeling low also, its so scary i just kept leaving crying for no reason, thats the thing with anxiety and panic attacks they come out of the blue for no reason. and i think they are worse while at work because thats where we spend most of our time.
how long have you been feeling like this at work?

03-08-10, 10:08
Hi Sharon I was off work for 8 months with anxiety and panic I came back in February this year, and I'm still really struggling. I'm starting the meds tonight so really anxious about that too. Hope you feel better soon. Ann

03-08-10, 11:09
Ann you are doing so well to be back in work, you should feel really proud of yourself for coming so far. Try not to worry to much about the meds, i think we all have this worry but then you have to weight it up what would you rather panic or getting better everyone seems to be on some sort of med nowadays for something or the other so we are not so unusal.
I think if more people were open about this illness then we would all beable to deal with it better.

write any time you like because ive been signed off for two weeks so will be on here loads. xx