View Full Version : why does this feeling keep coming and goind is it just anxiety??

02-08-10, 17:12
i keep getting these symptoms every other day i get really tired and lathargic along with dull chest pains, aching in my whole body, shakey,breating probs, feels like i can feel my heart beating in my whole body and pains behind my ears!!!!

anyone recognise these symptoms, hate feeling like this, almost to scared to stand up incase i pass out!!!!

02-08-10, 17:23
Like a head throbbing/beating sensation? Do you get quite dizzy? I remember feeling like this on citalopram.

02-08-10, 17:47
yeh its kind of like that, i am on citalapram too, do you think it could be the medication????

02-08-10, 17:51
i am on cit and thankfully i have not had these sensations....although saying that each morning when i awake and the panic takes over my arms become numb but i think its because the meds have not got into my system as yet and its my body reacting to the panic/anxiety.
how long have u been on them....i have been since the 9th july this year....i am hoping that they kick in very soon xxxx
hope it settles down for you very soon xxxx

02-08-10, 17:57
i have been on cit for around 10 weeks now!!!, butt was on 10mg for 7 weeks and have been on 20mg for the rest of time, but these symptoms come and go i could have a really good couple of days and then all of a sudden they would be back!!!, but im wondering if today it hhas been caused by the fact that i was ment to have a dental appointment so syked myself up cos i dont like the dentist!!!, then got there and found out they had changed my apppointment????

02-08-10, 18:13
I found citalopram made me feel light headed most of the time, giving me dizzy spells from time to time and I was concerned about standing up too fast too. That head beating/throbbing sensation seems all familiar to me aswell. It is likely to be the meds.

02-08-10, 18:41
thanks absentia, big help may have to speak to doc about changing meds!!!, did you get tension type head aches as well sometimes???

02-08-10, 19:36
No, I didn't experience headaches. It is actually very rare for me to get a headache though anyway. I have probably had about 4 or 5 in my lifetime :D

02-08-10, 19:39
its not a head ache as such, it just feels like i have a band around my head

02-08-10, 20:09
i im not on any meds and i to feel tired most days dizzy and nervous