View Full Version : worried about work

02-08-10, 18:08
wish i would stop having panic attacks about work and at work.
Does anyone else have the same problem?

02-08-10, 18:12
oh yes sharon...but its work....if you need to be signed off then so be it - your gp will provide cover. will you call tomorrow? maybe yes?
love tracey xxxx

02-08-10, 18:15
I still havent heard from the doc that was meant to call me this morning.
been sat here like a spare part alday stressing about it.
if he doesnt call then im going tomorrow and asking to be signed off.

02-08-10, 18:19
that is so terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sharon.....yes go and see your gp...please let me know how you get on if you can xxxxx

02-08-10, 18:26
Thank you Tracey. ive just called and was told he will be returning my call this evening.
will let you know what he says.
Hope you are feeling abit better now. xxx

02-08-10, 18:34
Good on you sharon, I am at my wits end in work, absolutely frazzled, my dr says i should have time off but i just can't bring myself to do it.
I've made myself ill with stress and anxiety and through my works sickness policy i'm waiting for the results of an occupational health report that they made me have in order to establish whether i'm going to have a disciplinary proceedings because of my sickness...in last 12 months was sick last august for 2 weeks, in oct/nov time i was off for 2 days and a few weeks ago after telling my supervisor i was stressed in work and being ignored i wound up with shingles which my dr deduced was stress related...this triggered the sickness proceedings when i hadn't been ill for 9 months!
I'm scared that if i go off now it will lead to further issues so far as disciplinary. Am desperately trying to get a new job as my place of work is AWFUL, it's all cloak and dagger in there and no one is to be trusted!

I have a Dr appointment tomorrow morning, just have to see what is said

02-08-10, 18:47
Thank you so so so so much for your help and advise the doctor called and has signed me off work for 2 weeks while my meds kick in, now i have to try and relax.
cwoz82 please make sure you see your doctor tomorrow its the only advise i can give you at the moment as im abit off balance myself at the moment.
Tracey thank you again xxxx