View Full Version : Can panicanxiety/stress hinder weightloss?

02-08-10, 18:38
I've been struggling with some overweight all my life. I had panicanxiety since i was 5 (30 now) and Im just getting out of it. Fighting my way out. They done tests and all but they cant seem to find anything wrong, anything that could cause it.
Since ive been stressed and panicy since age 5 Im guessing it could. Any thoughts? Im not obese or anything like that.

Any feedback is appreciated.

04-08-10, 14:27
If anything the panic Anxiety causes weight loss .Only the medication will cause weight gain and problems losing it ...Its advisable if on medication to avoid sugar as this turns into fat .Also restrict intake of carbohydrates and have a diet rich in fruit veg and wholegrain food to stabilise blood sugar .This will help with cravings that are common place on drugs such as SSRIs . Excercise is also a must and will help burn off the calories and also help you feel better ...Sue x

04-08-10, 20:27
for the last two months i have gone down in weight.....my clothes are hanging off me....but tonight for the first time in two months i sat and ate a meal....a huge milestone....it wasnt a huge meal...but i had veg and chicken and potatoes....for me when i am in a state of panic i dont eat but tonight i did....and i feel that i have achieved something today xxxx

05-08-10, 08:32
I have read many articles which suggest that stress raises levels of the hormone cortisol, this in turn can cause the storage of fat, I don't know how true this is, sorry no links as this was read in magazines. When I am stressed / anxious I eat more! Pain in the backside that.

05-08-10, 10:00
Anxiety and stress can cause belly fat. When you are anxious your body is running on cortisol and adrenaline for energy. Because of this, when you eat foods that raise your blood sugar high, the excess energy gets stored as fat and the quickest and nearest place for your liver to place it, is directly in your belly. Your body cannot function correctly when you are anxious, which is why fat is dumped in the nearest place.

05-08-10, 10:54
I was just about to post something similar.
I am getting rather down with my body sitch at the moment, dont get me wrong I am not obese or anything but since the anx and being on the medication I have found it hard to exercise as I have no motivation really and I am constantly eating. I find that I am always craving sugar lately. Which does not help cause I am just feeling so flabby and jelly all over. I know I have put on weight (around 2 - 3kgs probably) but I don't dare to step on the scales as the through of knowing I have put on weight will make me just eat more cause I will get all down.

Does anyone else find that they have put on weight? I am on Pristiq an SSRI I think ... I definately feel like this has contributed. I am due to come off in it december and I cannot wait so this weight can shift and I also have my wedding next year and I definatley have to look slim for that haha.

09-08-10, 10:17
I have read many articles which suggest that stress raises levels of the hormone cortisol, this in turn can cause the storage of fat, I don't know how true this is, sorry no links as this was read in magazines. When I am stressed / anxious I eat more! Pain in the backside that.

I have also read stuff like that. I think its different for everyone. How long you suffered etc.

10-08-10, 15:28
This sounds very distressing; big hug for you Johansaken. It is scary to feel not control over your body. It seems logic to me the state of mind can influence how effective of the body metabolism, and also affecting appetite.

For me, obesity has always been big issue for my life, I think it relates to my panic because food brings to me comfort and weight feels like protection, in some way.

Overweight, for which ever reason, can be a bad thing for self esteem and the well being. But I think best to concentrate on to love yourself and overcome the panic; this can likely to help the weight or at least give you the better position to lose weight.

Take care
J xxx