View Full Version : how do you know if you have depression?

02-08-10, 22:45
how do you know if you have depression?

for the past few weeks i have been thinking thoughts that i don't usually think. thoughs that relate to hopelessness and low self worth.

sometimes i just feel like cuddling in bed all day long.
sometimes i just feel like crying.

i have this terrible feeling that nothing is ever going to get better, that im losing control and that life is almost pointless.

also, i don't have much energy and i wake up tired in the mornings.

then sometimes i dont feel sad , but i dont feel happy, its like a numbness.

i've had thoughts of calling in sick to work because i simply am too anxious and sad to go in.

i try to focus on the good things i have in my life, and for a while i have a surge of happiniess, yet somehow i always end up feeling sad because i can't help but think of all the bad things.

can anyone tell me, does this sound like depression to you?
or is it just natural to feel like this after a major event ( ie. my mother's relapse to alcoholism and consequently me finding her unconscious after splitting her head open) sorry for the graphic detail lol.

02-08-10, 23:42
Hi Rachel, i would go and speak to your gp first. It is diificult sometime when we have a major event in our life that makes us feel down. What i think you may need to look at is wether any of your symptoms were there before what happened to your mum. hope this liitle bit helps hope you get sorted and any help you may need. Look after yourself :welcome:

03-08-10, 15:36
If you have to ask then you don't have it!

03-08-10, 15:56
I'd totally suggest visiting your GP. Have a chat with him/her and explain your symptoms and situation with your Mum.

03-08-10, 21:01
If you have to ask then you don't have it!

I didn't realise I had it Els until I became suicidal at the beginning of this year.

I knew I had anxiety and agoraphobia but was so used to trying to cope with personal circumstances and muddling through somehow it just didn't occur to me that I was actually becoming ill..I didn't realise what was happening to me.

I have the knowledge now to recognise certain signs within myself that I am becoming overwhelmed, I am going through a mini episode over the past two weeks but thankfully have managed to take steps to cope with it.

If you haven't been through it before then it can be difficult to know what is happening or even to realise that there is something wrong..I think it is a good job that Rachel has recognised that there is a chance that she may be entering a depressive episode.

I would also advise her to go to see her doc..I had to be almost dragged to see mine and firmly believe that it might have been a lifesaving act for me.

03-08-10, 21:08
If you have to ask then you don't have it!

Don't agree Elspeth.

Rachel you do sound depressed by what you said in your post, firstly you must be brave and go to the doctors and ask for help.

I see a lot of the way I feel in what you said..I think the sooner you start to get help and some understanding of why you feel this way the better.

Feel free to message me if you need to talk

03-08-10, 22:20
Dear Rachel I'm sorry that you are feeling like this. It does sound like a diagnosis of depression is likely from you GP and not from us lot on here. I have suffered bouts of very severe suicidal depression. I was unaware that I was ill let alone depressed. To have insight into your condition is a good thing and you will be able to explain to your doctor what is wrong. I hope you feel better soon and get the help that you need. EJ.

04-08-10, 15:25
Depression was affecting the way a person eats and sleeps, how he feels and how you think about things. A depression is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or at will. People with depressive illness, are not merely pull them and get better! Do you feel symptoms: helpless desperation and feel worthless, inadequate, bad hate auto, constant questioning of thoughts and actions, an imperative for security is sweeter and more sensitive to the loss of guilty of energy and motivation, even the simplest tasks or decisions seem difficult loss or gain self-harm.

02-09-10, 20:29
Rachel, I agree with others here who think you sound depressed. Based on what you said in your post, my advice is to get yourself to a doctor and sooner rather than later.

It is possible to have it and not know. My Mum had a friend once who'd lost a lot of money through being in business with a partner who turned out to be crooked. He went to his doctor a bit later saying that he had spots before his eyes which he couldn't get rid of, and the doctor told him, "You're in a very depressed state."

I don't know what happened next, I assume he was given anti-depressants; my point is that he didn't realise he was depressed until his doctor told him so.

05-09-10, 12:44
Its possible to have depression and not know, I did. Only when I looked back did I realise what had happened to me. I had every symptom on the list and still would not accept I was depressed despite 2 psychiatrists and an endless string of nurses telling me so.

There is a list of symptoms and the presence of some of them together at the same time for a period of over 2 weeks can signify depression. There are varying degrees of depression from mild to severe and you certainly dont have to have all the symptoms.

Things like.

Feeling low in mood
inability to sleep or too much sleep
early morning wakening
poor appetitie or over eating
Poor concentration
poor memory
loss of sex drive or deminished sex drive
social isolation, staying home, not socialising
loss of motivation for interests and hobbies
Lack of self care, not washing, shaving etc
suicidal thinking

The list goes on and as I say someone mildly depressed may only have a few symptoms. Best way to find out is to go have a chat with your GP

06-09-10, 18:21
it's normal to be sad after a stressful event.
depression is when the sadness does not go away.
you feel like you don't have any reason to be happy.
you feel empty.
the future looks bleak.
you feel hopeless.
everything is/feels hard.
you feel tired all the time.
you may stop taking showers, cleaning, cooking, reading, talking to friends.
your thinking will be pretty negative.

you may feel more depressed at certain times of day or night.

06-09-10, 18:36
I used to think that depression meant lying in bed all day, not wanting to get up and face the world. That's how a friend of mine suffered. When I had the misfortune to suffer depression I had a constant "eerie" feeling hanging over me most of the time. I had constant repeated thoughts. I was truly tormented and I will never forget this. I had a great gp who told me that people suffer depression in different ways. I was in a bad way and then came through the other end by reading Claire Weekes book and taking Lustral for a few months. It took a while for that "eerie" feeling to completely go and it used to appear only briefly from time to time, but not for a long time now, thank goodness. If it returned then I'd know I needed some help again. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are then your doctor should be able to help. It's best to get help sooner rather than later because you end up in a vicious circle of despair. Please go to your doctor and tell them how you are feeling. :hugs:

06-09-10, 18:42
I used to suffer from alot of anxiety attacks etc. Couldnt even go out of the house.
Lately I have some really baad shit goin on - and I feel like im going back down that route.
I usually feel worse at night - but today I have felt tired, low - just wanna cry.

Any recommendations on what could occupy me when not at work? xx

06-09-10, 18:57
Depression happens when u ain't got no more strength to do your everyday life.
You are working, the moment you don't come to work anymore, yea you are depression.
That doesn't mean when you still come to work, you are not having depression.

Anyway, as an advice. You should just continue or get immediate help. Cause you know why?


That is why you regret things when you lost your head. And said to yourself, "did I do that? Gosh, I was stupid! I should have controlled myself"

06-09-10, 22:45
You don't have to have stopped doing everything like going to work to be depressed. You do sound depressed though. Good luck talking to your GP.

07-09-10, 16:12
I've just wasted 9 months of my life - fighting depression and anxiety on my own, its horrid, lonely and miserable.

Go and see your GP explain exactly how you feel and even if yo have to take some time off work until medication kicks in do it!!!!!

Please dont waste another second wondering and worrying. I can't tell you the relief of talking to someone and getting some help.

Good luck and let us know how you get onxxx