View Full Version : Crisis when getting better?

02-08-10, 23:07
Im goin through a process in my life at the moment where Im getting better. Where anxiety is becoming smaller and smaller. I feel like I cant recognize myself in a way. i should react worse then I do. And that freaks me out aswell. Im having high stress levels of course. But Im having real trouble with this. Because who are you if you remove all your fears, all panicanxiety, all that you lived with for as long as you can remember. How do you define yourself? Anyone else gone through this process, please reply. I need you in this storm of mine

03-08-10, 01:05
I'm going through the exact same thig at the moment, I have my panic attacks pretty much stopped, my anxiety levels are at an all time low, and I don't know who I am really, I've been locked in my bubble so long and isolated from social situations that I am having to learn the supposed 'normal' way of doing things. This condition has had me so restricted in what I could and couldn't do that now I am more able to push my own boundaries its finding how far can they be pushed, and just as if some kind of cruel joke doing these things makes me anxious. I think small steps is the way forward, over doing it could cause a slip back into my old ways, that cycle of anxiety. I have accepted that its highly likely that anxiety will play a part in my life, but it is just a part of what make me, me. I'm just gonna get on with things, 1 day at a time.

03-08-10, 08:53
Thanks mate. I can totally relate. And thanks for clearing things out. These are confusing and scary times. And amazing at the same time. Small steps is the way to go. Youre right. And the whole bubble thing is so true. You have anxiety long enough it consumes me, I become anxiety. Nothing else (yeah I know, Im still me beneath it all). But when you been buried in it, finding back to yourself, to that innerchild is a scary process.

Thanks Rob for taking the time to answer this. I didnt think anyone else would bother. Thanks once again. It ment alot to me. :hugs::yesyes: