View Full Version : Health anxiety and feeling of doom

02-08-10, 23:47
Hello All,

I am new to this forum and wanted to say hello. I hope that by joining you all it helps me find ways to cope and hopefully some of you might find my story helpful in some way by knowing that you are not alone.

I am a 27 year old female. I guess I suffer from 'typical' health anxiety and have done for a about 10 years or so, it having got worse with knowledge! Too much knowledge is a bad thing sometimes.....

I believe my problem was originally triggered from what has now been diagnosed as IBS. I kept the pain secret for many years, petrified of what may be causing it, thinking it was the worst of course! Even once it was diagnosed I found it hard to believe that such pain could be caused by not much at all. To this day I can hardly run as it causes pain, yet this started when I was about 17. So that was many years of wasted time worrying about it and feeling that it was something far more serious.

But this is the behavioural cycle that I find hard to break. I have a wonderful family, job, boyfriend and a generally happy person. So much so that no one would ever know the level of my fears and obsession. But my mind is almost obsessed with the possibility of ill health. I am not always thinking I have particular symptoms which go with an illness (although I do this as well!). It is this 'waiting for something serious' which now occupies most of my time and is quite frankly soul destroying.

I find it hard when I see people so carefree. I wish I could be like that too and just accept that ill health and death comes to us all and we should just be thankful for what we have. But I cannot do this. There is always the background fear of the inevitable which I cannot seem to cope with. At the moment I am preoccupied with asbestos and the fact that I have in no doubt inhaled a fair amount. This along with regretting having smoked and causing possible damage. Plus strange pain in my ribs and thinking it is lung cancer. Along with the pains in my abdomen. I shall stop there!

I truly could go on but I think that is enough of an intro for now. If anyone suffers from similar or have ever found a self-help book for this sort of problem which they thought was helpful, then please let me know.

I just want to enjoy life accepting that sometimes things cannot be feared and controlled. I am always told by those trying to help that you can't worry over things like this. But it isn't always that simple....

03-08-10, 08:21
I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

Natalie x
03-08-10, 13:36
Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear that you are having a horrible time at the minute. I am 18 and have suffered with anxiety for around a year now, however found out that my anxiety has all came out from events 5 years ago as I kept all my feelings and emotions bottled up and wouldn't tell anyone. I have suffered with HA for a few months but I have always been a bit of a hypocondriac.

HA & GAD have affected my life in a big way as it has stopped me from doing so many things - going out with my friends to clubs, going shopping, going on holidays etc. Maybe this is the case with you too?

I am currently in the process of attending CBT sessions every 2 weeks which I was referred to by my Doctor. It's a really great way of getting all your emotions & feelings out and you feel so much better afterwards. I also have bough a self-help boko by Clare Weekes called 'Self Help for Your Nerves' and it's really good as everything you feel with anxiety and panic attacks are listed. You can buy it from the store on here or from Amazon and some book shops I think. Distraction is also a good way of getting it out of your head, or when a thought pops in, just tell yourself 'Stop it. I'm just being silly' and then just go and do something else.

I hope this info helps, and if I were you I would give the CBT a try. Feel free to PM me if you need a chat.

Oh and p.s. I am on homeopathic tablets for my anxiety which are good as I did not want to go anything heavy or anything that I would depend on.


Cell block H fan
03-08-10, 15:06
The thing that triggered it off for you is the exact same as what triggered mine, when I was about 20/21. Had it off n on since.
Hopefully you'll speak to some helpful people on here.
I forgot why I stopped coming here a few months ago, just realised why.
You'll get the people that dont really have any symptoms, they come to the conclusion a hair out of place means they may have cancer. That's not health anxiety, that's hypochondria or something else. Different disorder in my opinion.
Sift through those threads & you may get some advice chick x

06-08-10, 19:45
hi i know how you feel im having every symptom known to man fron anxiety im currently waiting for a cpn to see me at the minute i feel like im weak and my breathing is weak its drivin me nuts to the point i feel like i want to faint dont seem to know what triggers mine