View Full Version : i dont know how to do it????I

22-02-06, 14:01
i am probably not useing this forum correctly.I am computer useless and having found this wonderful site,i dont know how to use it.i have been sitting here wailing with tears pouring down my face,it makes me feel so usless.How can i accsess these wonderful people when the pc confounds me?i will simply read your letters toeach other and take comfort in that.oops that sounds like self pity,no just feel silly.m.x

22-02-06, 14:09
HI Mary Rose

Sending you big big hugs hun.

Your not self pitying your just have a low day/off day. We all get them but you will be just fine. You really will be okay.

Take Care

Sends lots of hugs


22-02-06, 15:38
Aww Mary I am well known on the site for not being exactly brilliant in the computer dept too and I am always sure I am going to press the wrong button.

You have managed to post sucessfully and that's a great start - no one minds at all if you want to ask how to do something on here on one of your posts.

It's lovely to have you join us. :D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.