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annie 1968
03-08-10, 08:58
Hi there

As you can see this is my first posting on this site and i'm really hoping i can get some good advice from like minded people:)

I had my first panic attack 3 weeks ago which was awful! Anyway i am now suffering from really bad anxiety and insommnia. The doc prescribed me anitryiptylin which has helped me sleep a bit but leaves me really drowsy the next day. Went back to docs yest who gave me citalopram. I have read on this forum about the side effects and i am now very wary about taking these tablets. Also i am off on holiday next Wed for 2 weeks and don't want to be feeling like crap. Does anyone know of any good herbal sleeping tablets i could take? If i can get a good nights sleep that may help me cope day to day with the anxiety. Any other advice would be very welcome.

Thanks for reading

03-08-10, 09:08
Hi annie 1968

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-08-10, 09:17
I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

Vanilla Sky
03-08-10, 13:24
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

03-08-10, 16:04
Hiya! i'm new to this website aswell so not really sure how it all works. I don't know anything about sleeping tablets, but i'v been on citalopram for about a year now, started with 20mg now up to 30mg. It did take about 2/3 weeks to start to have an affect, but i never had any side effects. All i can say is when i drink on a night out (a bottle of wine or more) i feel like shit the next day, more then your normal hangover. Anxiety is a lot worse, but the level of that depends on how much i drunk, if i ate and how much sleep i got. However i can drink a couple glassed of wine, pints etc. and feel fine the next day whereas other people on citalopram cannot touch a drink without feeling 10x worse the next day. I guess it differs with each person.

So basically i personally have had no side effects, all citalopram is done is help me. Except of course when mixed with alcohol! haha.

Anyway, hope this helped! And hope your holiday is amazing :)
All the best, Lucy x

03-08-10, 20:42
