View Full Version : Pulling, Stretching sensation on chest

03-08-10, 15:30
For the last 4 weeks or so ive been experiencing odd niggley little aches on the surface of my chest, around and below the collar bone.
My shoulders have been really hard and tight, but this feels as though the skin is being pulled arcross my chest.
Has anyone ever had this??????? Im so worried

Thanks xxxx:weep:

03-08-10, 17:49
Two words......Pulled Muscles!

I promise you, i have had this many times. i have it now actually and round the back too. stress make your muscles tense so you get anxious and your muscles tense up, you go about your daily business using these tense muscles and you end up pulling them. pulled muscles can take an awful long time to heal, and they can be very sore,tight and feel bruised, they can sometimes itch and burn too.

Hope ive helped calm you a bit. have a long hot soak in the bath then relax with a good tv programme or good book. chest and back muscles take longer to heal because there is no possible way other than laying down constantly that you can rest them completely. so itll take time but itll get better.

05-08-10, 01:04
Thank you so much Jen for answering.
You are probably right as ive been through a hard time over the last 8 weeks.
The only relief i get is when i lay down, im finding myself constantly proding my chest, feeling for lumps etc.
Its on both sides but worse on the left. Few weeks ago i went for a thai massage to help ease the shoulders OMG never again...............Pure torture!!!!

Just wish I could stop thinking its my heart, Have had this for about 6 weeks now,Anyone know how long this can last?
Thanks xxxx

05-08-10, 10:25
Unfortunately pulled muscles can take upto six months to heal but pulled muscles arounf the chest or back can take even longer. but plently of rest and relaxing should help it heal quicker and stop prodding it!! i cant shout at you for prodding because i do the same thing lol but it will make it worse.

oh and just to add, as you say, it feels better when you lay down. that makes it clear its pulled muscles, anything else would hurt whether you are laying,standing or whatever. so try to remember that next time your are worried.

Ive never had a thai massage but i dont like massages very much, im too sensitive lol
