View Full Version : can you offer advice dear friends...

03-08-10, 15:33
as i have said before i am on 20mg since the 9th july this year....but this week my panic attacks/anxiety is spiralling (hope that is how it is spelt) out of control.
should i go back to my gp and maybe ask for an increase in dose???
what do you think? would so appreciate your thoughts xxxx i have taken a diazapham (is that how its spelt) today.....it worked for a short while but think i will need another!!!
thank you for being so patient with me....i feel such a blasted failure!!!!!
thank you, tracey xxxx

03-08-10, 15:53
Hi Calm,

I would make an appointment and go and have a chat with your GP. 9th July is still only a short time ago (though for you may feel like longer) and citalopram can make your symptoms worse before you feel better. Its not a problem taking the diazepam until it settles down for you.

Please dont feel a failure hun you will get there it just takes time I'm afraid. It wouldn't hurt to chat to your GP though even if only to put your mind at ease a little.

I wish you better days....


03-08-10, 16:12
jo, thank youuuuuuuu - i just feel that my doc must be getting so sick and tired of me.....thank you for your good wishes xxxxxx
i do hope you are ok jo. thank you once again, tracey xxxx

03-08-10, 16:25
I'd certainly speak to your GP. I used to feel guilty visiting them all the time but is what they get paid for. I've just started back on Citalopram due to depression and severe anxiety. We are all different and timescales are different for everyone.

My GP has put me on 10mg of Citalopram(last Wednesday) with a view to increasing to 20mg this coming Monday so like weaning me onto Citalopram. He has suggested due to my high anxiety I take 4 x 5mg of Diazepam throughout the day. I feel this is a high dosage of Diaz and have a fear of becoming addicted to them but he knows my concerns with Diazepam. He feels it should help short term while my body gets used to the first few weeks on Citalopram.

Def speak to your GP. We are all different and react to meds differently.

03-08-10, 16:35
thank you glasgow guy...i am on 20mg since july.
i have got diaz as well if i need it....and today i certainly did.
i was so hoping by now i would be feeling different but alas....nooooooooo! but i am optimstic that i will - i have a fear that i will have to switch to another type and have to start all over again!
thank you once again....i do hope they kick in soon for you too.
love, tracey xxxx

04-08-10, 00:20
I am on 20mg and on week 7... and they only kicked in this week.

weeks 4-6 were a nightmare - increased anxiety - I really thought I was losing my mind, but the relief this week is indescribable.

I would say to stick with it - Ive read several people saying week 7-8 is when it really kicked in for them.

04-08-10, 08:23
first i want to remind you of something
youbr not a failure, dont you dar think like this,
you are fighting one of the hardest battles there can be, the human brain,
its tiering its draning and pulls you down, you have a familly and a working life you r trying to please whole you r not youself,
do mot put yourself down again,
you are a marvilouse person and arestronger then you think,if you get the averege person to go through, what you r , they prob wont cope . At all.
You have not failed anything,
get back to your gp and speek to him and get some advice on what to do next, pick yourself back up and draw energey from people in hear to recover and be strong again.
Doc, first , back in hear to report your findings. And you will get past this stage, i prommiss just stay focus on life and familly, and your life is worth living.
Please remember.
You have not failed , you just need som guidence
and you will get it. Tracy remember you can ring me any time
greg xxxx