View Full Version : hate feeling like this!!!!!!, is it really normal????

03-08-10, 16:03
feels as if i am drunk, like wobbly, shakey , sweaty, lathargic and just a bit not with it really!!!!!, if it is anxiety then why arent the tablets working been on them 10 weeks now!!!, well 7 wks on 10 mg cit and 3 wks on 20mg.

Can anyone reassure, sypathise or advice please???

03-08-10, 17:01
Hello, I can!

I feel like that alot, sometimes i slap myself round the face to kick myself out of it. It is just regular anxiety and is very common. Sometimes if i try to forget about it, it just goes away. Try some deep breathing and swimming is great for getting rid of the drunk feeling. The cit may be playing a part in it too as you haven't been on them that long yet. I have been on them for 8 years and remember feeling more out of sorts that usual when i started them. Anyway more importantly it's nothing to worry about and will go away in time.


03-08-10, 17:04
This is going to sound insane lol, but i found giving the carpet a good scrub gets rid of my depersonalization/derealization (which is what your describing) get on your hands and knees with a bowl of warm soapy water and a scrubbing brush and scrub away, within about 5 minutes you will have forgotten about this awful feeling and also be proud of a clean carpet! (im not saying you have dirty carpets though!!)

it helps to distract yourself, the sooner you forget it, the sooner itll go x

03-08-10, 17:09
so does that mean i only have to scrub the carpet for 5 mins at a time lol, thanx for the advice guys x, am wondering if part of it is postnatal depression as i have an 8 month old????

03-08-10, 17:16
so does that mean i only have to scrub the carpet for 5 mins at a time lol, thanx for the advice guys x, am wondering if part of it is postnatal depression as i have an 8 month old????

well it depends how much you enjoy scrubbing the carpet lol, my arms kill after five mins so i need a rest lol

i wish youd said you had an eight month old! my anxiety started the day my youngest was born, ten months ago. i was originally told i had PND, then i was told it was PND and health anxiety and now i have been told its neither of those and its postnatel anxiety!! im not taking any meds because as my hormones settle so will the anxiety. it was so bad that i would be in tears every night scared to sleep incase i died. now i only get anxious during 'that time of the month'! so it is getting better in time. in fact id say mine has now got about 8o% better than it was.

you could go to your gp and ask them. but go to an understanding one, maybe even female would be best as my gp was useless and horrible. i didnt have any PND symptoms, i wasnt sad or depressed, i wasnt detached from my child, i didnt think i was a bad mum, i was just scared of dying! dont let them fob you off to make their job easy. not many gp's will admit there is such thing as postnatel anxiety as its only just become public that there is such a thing. but thats what i have and it is geting better and better. hopefully thats what you have (thats meant to sound nice lol) as itll be alot easier for you especially with a little one as they are enough work without being anxious all the time xx

03-08-10, 17:31
sorry i didnt say!!!, but i think mine is mostly HA because just before i got pregnant i had misscarriage, so through out my whole pregnancy i thought something was going to happen to my little girl! Then when she was born i thought something was going to happen to me and have done ever since!!!, two weeks after having my little girl i was admitted to hosppital as they thought i had a blood clot on my lung, so had to stay in from friday-monday because this lung scan they wanted to do could only be donne in the week!, anyway the scan was clear but ever since i have developed a hole aray of symptoms and went through a period of time like you did of not being able to go to sleep incase i died!!, but have now got into a bad routine of going to bed in the early hours of the morning and getting up with the little one around 8-9 am!!!!

03-08-10, 17:42
God, youve been through it, its no wonder you have anxiety xx

just a thought, have you been to your gp about it? it sounds to me that it could actually be more likely post traumatic stress disorder. and considering what youve been through it wouldnt surpise me if thats what it is. the problem is ptsd and pnd and postnatel hormones can all trigger anxiety so its best to find the cause, if your cause is ptsd maybe tackling that will help you overcome the anxiety.

just an idea hun x

03-08-10, 17:43
And bad routines dont help!!! but i cant lecture you because im exactly the same lol xx

03-08-10, 18:21
lol, thanx jen, i have spoken to my gp which is obviously why im anti d's but do you think councilling might help???, am also wondering if its got something to do with the fact that my daughters dad and i spit up in may after a 2 year relationship and he was seriously controling so wonder if bordom is a big factor aswell as i have nobdy dictated me and telling me what i have to do!!!!

03-08-10, 19:03
I get these symptoms a lot, sometimes they stay with me for weeks. It's normal for anxiety sufferers to feel this way. If you focus on them they become worse. Keeping yourself busy helps a lot. CBT is also a great way to accept the symptoms and learn to get rid of anxiety. No anxiety, no symptoms.

Take care.

03-08-10, 19:10
thanx ella, did you find it hard to get motivated to actually do anything???

03-08-10, 19:23
lol, thanx jen, i have spoken to my gp which is obviously why im anti d's but do you think councilling might help???, am also wondering if its got something to do with the fact that my daughters dad and i spit up in may after a 2 year relationship and he was seriously controling so wonder if bordom is a big factor aswell as i have nobdy dictated me and telling me what i have to do!!!!

yes councelling may help hun, its always good to talk and get it all out. and yes being single now could have added to it, a new found freedom can be very daunting. may not be boredom, maybe its more your not sure what to do now your alone, maybe a bit fed up or feeling slightly stuck. once you pull yourself out of it and find somehting to do, even if its just getting into a routine with your little one and having a special play day each week. that will help bring you out of yourself a bit. i find if i get in a rut i end up not doing anything and start to feel fed up and unmotivated.


03-08-10, 19:25
yes used to get it very bad but not so much now the trick is ..keeping mind busy ,,when i first came on here i played games in games room it helped a lot

03-08-10, 20:25
Request a B12 blood test. It sounds like iron deficiency to me, induced by stress. Ive had it myself. In fact, I stressed so badly, i drained my body's iron stores and suffered all the same symptoms as you and many more. A doctor would happily check if you requested it. That or anaemia, which are pretty much the same thing, except one is due to your body not being able to produce haemoglobin, and the other is just a depletion of your body's store of iron. Get in touch if you want to talk to me about it. Seems the most likely... that and the fact that Ciprimil/Citalopram (i was also on those) blocks your body's absorption of vitamins. The two things together can lead to deficiency, leaving you feeling drunk, chronically tired (i used to sleep for 16 hours at a time), emotional and often pins and needles in your limbs. Its easily corrected with iron tabs. Id check that route before worrying yourself with scary possibilities that are far less likely. Many of the problems could also be just the side effects of your anti depressants. I can also talk to you about the many side effects I had whilst on them (my dose went up to 100mg at one point) so you can get the symptoms into perspective. Hope this helps x x

03-08-10, 22:51
i had my iron levels checked a while ago when i first started feeling like this, and they were fine!!!

04-08-10, 02:58
you ideally need a print out from your doc to know for sure. the doc will only look to see if they are below a certain range. if they arent then they get a "no action needed" from the hosp and they take it no further. This, however does not account for stress induced deficiency. For example, I had a period of extreme stress and was freaking out every day. My docs did a FBC and i was clear for anaemia. I requested a B12 blood test and they told me my levels were within normal ranges so no action was required. I got them to print out the ranges. My iron levels were only just above the level where they have to do something. My panic over the previous months had decreased my iron levels from the top of the range to just above the bottom of the safe range, so although according to the print out i needed no help, i had actually suffered a massive drop in iron stores relative to what MY body finds normal and so suffered deficiency symptoms. I presented it to a different doc and showed them how had dropped even though i had no signs of deficiency according to the hospitals tick boxes, simply because they didnt take my original levels (before the stress) into account... she agreed and put me on high dose iron tabs to try and fix it... and it took a year. Im not saying this is it, but most gp's only look for one line on your B12 results, thats the line that means they dont have to do any work. Plus docs dont take anaemia or vitamin/mineral deficiency into account because most gp's in the UK only get half a day training in it. It was just a suggestion. Anyway, hope its better soon x