View Full Version : Back to work tomorrow - terrified!

03-08-10, 18:17
Hi everyone, i am due back at work tomorrow after almost a month off and am so scared about it, I keep panicking just thinking of it today. I am only going in for a few hours but am dreading being stuck there and having to talk to people, everyone looking at me etc. I have to get two buses just to get there too and it takes about 45 mins to get there ahhhhhhh, wish me luck, I keep thinking of that scene in the Wizard of Oz where the cowardly lion runs an jumps through the glass window - hope I'm not going to do that! Will let you know how it goes.

03-08-10, 18:55
Good luck for tomorrow paul :)

03-08-10, 18:56
oooops sorry Paulaf. good luck for tomorrow. :D

03-08-10, 20:47
Good luck you know you can do it!!

03-08-10, 21:08
I know you can do it, you will be fine. :hugs:

04-08-10, 00:50
You'll do great.

04-08-10, 15:13
Thanks so much everyone for your kind words of support, I did it! I was really nervous this morning and had to get a taxi (couldn't face the two buses) but just had to work 10 to 1.30 and was actually fine. I was anxious but didn't have any full blown panic attacks thank god. I am doing another morning tomorrow and just 3 days again next week before going back to full time (hopefully). I will just keep taking it one day at a time. I would like to give anyone in my situation hope that even if you think you will never go back to work, the thought of doing it is worse than the reality and a staged return with shorter days and hours really helps make it more manageable. Thanks again xxxx

04-08-10, 17:01
Well done you!!! I think you did the right thing going back on reduced hours and then slowly building back up.

I had 5 months off from last October to March of this year and like you was terrified of how I would cope. I went back on a phased return of 3 hours then 4 then 5 then 6 I then took a weeks leave (hols) and returned full-time. Yes have had blips along the way but am back full-time and the distraction has really helped me.

Hope you continue to go from strength to strength and am sure you will.

You should be proud of yourself.

Take care

04-08-10, 17:38